On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com>

> On 12/9/2016 8:54 AM, Gregory Etelson wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > IGB_UIO driver does not close port PCI activities after DPDK process
> exits.
> > DPDK API provides rte_eth_dev_close() to manage port PCI,
> > but it can be skipped if process receives SIGKILL signal
> I guess I understand the problem.

This is a known problem, but it is not just a UIO problem, and this patch
does not solve it, maybe it just solves part of it.

In fact, a DPDK program crashing could imply the NIC DMAing after that and
after that memory was assigned to another program.

> > The patches below provide IGB_UIO release callback and IXGBEVF release
> function
> But adding ixgbe specific code into igb_uio may not be good idea.
> Can be anything done one upper layer, pci layer, generic to all drivers?
This  module is not just being used for Intel cards, so this addition will
break, at least, the NFP PMD support.

I was told to use igb_uio instead of adding a new NFP uio driver, so I
guess that implies this igb_uio driver should be considered not only a igb

> > With the patches, each time DPDK process terminates,
> > UIO release callback will trigger port PCI close.
> > On the down side, patched IGB_UIO can be bound to a single adapter type
> >
> > Regards,
> > Gregory
> <...>

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