Link to v1: [10]

:: Introduction ::

DPDK has been inherently a PCI inclined framework. Because of this, the
design of device tree (or list) within DPDK is also PCI inclined. A
non-PCI device doesn't have a way of being expressed without using hooks
started from EAL to PMD.

(Check 'Version Changes' section for changes)

:: Overview of the Proposed Changes ::

Assuming the below graph for a computing node:

        device A1
  +==.===='==============.============+ Bus A.
     |                    `--> driver A11     \
  device A2                `-> driver A12      \______
                                                |CPU |
        device B1                              /
          |                                   /
  +==.===='==============.============+ Bus B`
     |                    `--> driver B11
  device B2                `-> driver B12

 - One or more buses are connected to a CPU (or core)
 - One or more devices are conneted to a Bus
 - Drivers are running instances which manage one or more devices
 - Bus is responsible for identifying devices (and interrupt propogation)
 - Driver is responsible for initializing the device

In context of DPDK EAL:
 - rte_bus, represents a Bus. An implementation of a physical bus would
   instantiate this class.
 - Buses are registered just like a PMD - RTE_REGISTER_BUS()
   `- Thus, implementation for PCI would instantiate a rte_bus, give it a
      name and provide scan/match hooks.
    - Currently, priority of RTE_REGISTER_BUS constructor has been set to
      101 to make sure bus is registered *before* drivers are.
 - Each registered bus is part of a doubly list.
   -- Each device refers to rte_bus on which it belongs
   -- Each driver refers to rte_bus with which it is associated
   -- Device and Drivers lists are part of rte_bus
   -- NO global device/driver list would exist
 - When a PMD wants to register itself, it would 'add' itself to an
   existing bus. Which essentially converts to adding the driver to
   a bus specific driver_list.
 - Bus would perform a scan and 'add' devices scanned to its list.
 - Bus would perform a probe and link devices and drivers on each bus and
   invoking a series of probes
   `-- There are some parallel work for combining scan/probe in EAL [5]
       and also for doing away with a independent scan function all
       together [6].

The view would be almost like:

                                  __ rte_bus_list
                     |rte_bus       |
                     | driver_list------> device_list for this bus
                     | device_list----    
                     | scan()       | `-> driver_list for this bus
                     | match()      |
                     | probe()      |
                     |              |
              _________/        \_________
    +--------/----+                     +-\---------------+
    |rte_device   |                     |rte_driver       |
    | *rte_bus    |                     | *rte_bus        |
    | rte_driver  |                     | probe()         |
    |             |                     | remove()        |
    |  devargs    |                     |                 |
    +---||--------+                     +---------|||-----+
        ||                                        '''      
        | \                                        \\\
        |  \_____________                           \\\
        |                \                          |||
 +------|---------+ +----|----------+               |||
 |rte_pci_device  | |rte_xxx_device |               |||
 | PCI specific   | | xxx device    |               |||
 | info (mem,)    | | specific fns  |              / | \
 +----------------+ +---------------+             /  |  \
                            _____________________/  /    \
                           /                    ___/      \
            +-------------'--+    +------------'---+    +--'------------+
            |rte_pci_driver  |    |rte_vdev_driver |    |rte_xxx_driver |
            | PCI id table,  |    | <probably,     |    | ....          |
            | other driver   |    |  nothing>      |    +---------------+
            | data           |    |  ...           |
            |  probe()       |    +----------------+
            |  remove()      |

In continuation to the RFC posted on 17/Nov [9],
A series of patches is being posted which attempts to create:
 1. A basic bus model
    `- define rte_bus and associated methods/helpers
    `- test infrastructure to test the Bus infra
 2. Changes in EAL to support PCI as a bus
    `- a "pci" bus is registered
    `- existing scan/match/probe are modified to allow for bus integration
    `- PCI Device and Driver list, which were global entities, have been
       moved to rte_bus->[device/driver]_list

For v2 as well, I have sanity tested this patch over a XeonD X552 available
with me, as well as part of PoC for verifying NXP's DPAA2 PMD (being pushed
out in a separate series). Exhaustive testing is still pending.
 -> Please help in MLX & BSD related changes.

:: Brief about Patch Layout ::

0001:      Container_of patch from [3]
0002~0003: Introducing the basic Bus model and associated test case
0004~0005: Add scan, match and insert support for devices on bus
0006:      Add probe and remove for rte_driver
0007:      Enable probing of PCI Bus (devices) from EAL
0008:      Split the existing PCI probe into match and probe
0009:      Make PCI probe/match work on rte_driver/device rather than
0010:      Patch from Ben [8], part of series [2]
0011:      Enable Scan/Match/probe on Bus from EAL and remove unused
           functions and lists. PMDs still don't work (in fact, PCI PMD
           don't work after this patch - but without any compilation
0012:      Change PMDs to integrate with PCI bus

:: Pending Changes/Caveats ::

0. eth_dev still contains rte_pci_device. I am banking on Jan's patches [1]
   for conversion to a macro (ETH_DEV_PCI_DEV) and subsequent replacement
   of all pci_dev usage in eth_dev.

1. One of the major changes pending, as against proposed in RFC, is the
   removal of eth_driver.
   Being a large change, and independent one, this would be done in a
   separate series of patches. []

2. app/test/test_pci.c is still not modified. It is rendered uncompilable
   as most of the APIs it was calling don't exist anymore. I will push a
   v2 which would include a complete re-write of test_pci (or, if someone
   can help me that, it would be awesome).

3. This patchset only moves the PCI into a bus. And, that movement is also
   currently part of the EAL (lib/librte_eal/linux)
   - there was an open question in RFC about where to place the PCI bus
     instance - whether in drivers/bus/... or in lib/librte_bus/... or
     lib/librte_eal/...; This patch uses the last option. But, movement
     only impacts placement of Makefiles. Please convey your reservations
     for current placement.
   - It also impacts the point (8) about priority use in constructor

4. Though the implementation for bus is common for Linux and BSD, the PCI
   bus implementation has been done/tested only for Linux.

5. There was a suggestion from Jan Blunk about a helper iterator within the
   rte_bus. I will send this out in v3.

6. Cyptodev and VDEV changes are still pending. Jan has already conveyed
   that he would be working on the VDEV part. I will work on the Crypto
   part and target that for v3.

7. The overall layout for driver probing has changed a little.
   earlier, it was:
     `-> rte_eal_pci_probe() (and parallel for VDEV)
         `-> rte_pci_driver->probe()
             `-> eth_driver->eth_dev_init()

   now, it would be:
     `-> rte_eal_bus_probe() <- Iterator for PCI device/driver
         `-> rte_driver->probe() <- devargs handling
             |                      old rte_eal_pci_probe()
             `-> rte_xxx_driver->probe() <- eth_dev allocation
                 `-> eth_driver->eth_dev_init <- eth_dev init

   Open Questions:
       Also, rte_driver->probe() creating eth_dev certainly sounds a little
       wrong - but, I would like to get your opinion on how to lay this
       order of which layer ethernet device corresponds to.
       1) Which layer should allocate eth_dev?
          `-> My take: rte_driver->probe()
       2) which layer should fill the eth_dev?
          `-> My take: rte_xxx_driver->probe()
       3) Is init/uninit better name for rte_xxx_driver()->probe() if all
          they do is initialize the ethernet device?

 8. RTE_REGISTER_BUS has been declared with contructor priority of 101
    It is important that Bus is registered *before* drivers are registered.
    Only way I could find to assure that was via 
    __attribute(contructor(priority)) of GCC. I am not sure how it would
    behave on other compilers. Any suggestions?
    - One suggestion from David Marchand was to use global bus object
      handles, which I have not implemented for now. If that is common
      choice, I will change in v3.

:: ToDo list ::

 - app/test/test_pci.c compilation is failing, if enabled.
 - Bump to librte_eal version
 - Documentation continues to have references to some _old_ PCI symbols
 - vdev changes
 - eth_device, eth_driver changes

:: References ::


:: Version Changes ::
 - No more bus->probe()
   Now, rte_eal_bus_probe() calls rte_driver->probe based on match output
 - new functions, rte_eal_pci_probe and rte_eal_pci_remove have been
   added as glue code between PCI PMDs and PCI Bus
   `-> PMDs are updated to use these new functions as callbacks for
 - 'default' keyword has been removed from match and scan
 - Fix for incorrect changes in mlx* and nicvf*
 - Checkpatch fixes
 - Some variable checks have been removed from internal functions;
   functions which are externally visible continue to have such checks
 - Some rearrangement of patches:
   -- changes to drivers have been separated from EAL changes (but this
      does make PCI PMDs non-working for a particular patch)

Ben Walker (1):
  pci: Pass rte_pci_addr to functions instead of separate args

Jan Blunck (1):
  eal: define container_of macro

Shreyansh Jain (10):
  eal/bus: introduce bus abstraction
  test: add basic bus infrastructure tests
  eal/bus: add scan, match and insert support
  eal: integrate bus scan and probe with EAL
  eal: add probe and remove support for rte_driver
  eal: enable probe from bus infrastructure
  pci: split match and probe function
  eal/pci: generalize args of PCI scan/match towards RTE device/driver
  eal: enable PCI bus
  drivers: update PMDs to use rte_driver probe and remove

 app/test/Makefile                               |   2 +-
 app/test/test.h                                 |   2 +
 app/test/test_bus.c                             | 688 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 app/test/test_pci.c                             |   2 +-
 drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_ethdev.c                |   8 +
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c                  |   4 +
 drivers/net/cxgbe/cxgbe_ethdev.c                |   4 +
 drivers/net/e1000/em_ethdev.c                   |   4 +
 drivers/net/e1000/igb_ethdev.c                  |   8 +
 drivers/net/ena/ena_ethdev.c                    |   4 +
 drivers/net/enic/enic_ethdev.c                  |   4 +
 drivers/net/fm10k/fm10k_ethdev.c                |   4 +
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c                  |   4 +
 drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev_vf.c               |   4 +
 drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c                |   8 +
 drivers/net/mlx4/mlx4.c                         |   4 +-
 drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.c                         |   1 +
 drivers/net/nfp/nfp_net.c                       |   4 +
 drivers/net/qede/qede_ethdev.c                  |   8 +
 drivers/net/szedata2/rte_eth_szedata2.c         |   4 +
 drivers/net/thunderx/nicvf_ethdev.c             |   4 +
 drivers/net/virtio/virtio_ethdev.c              |   2 +
 drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_ethdev.c            |   4 +
 lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/eal/Makefile              |   1 +
 lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/eal/eal.c                 |  12 +-
 lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/eal/eal_pci.c             |  52 +-
 lib/librte_eal/bsdapp/eal/   |  22 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/Makefile                  |   2 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_bus.c          | 285 ++++++++++
 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_pci.c          | 341 +++++++-----
 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_private.h             |  14 +-
 lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_bus.h         | 257 +++++++++
 lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_common.h      |  21 +
 lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_dev.h         |  14 +
 lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_pci.h         |  59 +-
 lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/Makefile            |   1 +
 lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal.c               |  12 +-
 lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci.c           |  81 +--
 lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/ |  22 +-
 39 files changed, 1737 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 app/test/test_bus.c
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_eal/common/eal_common_bus.c
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_bus.h


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