Hello and thanks for reviewing the patch.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 6:59 AM, Yong Wang <yongw...@vmware.com> wrote:
> I think a more accurate description is that the particular descriptor's 
> generation bit never got flipped properly when an mbuf failed to be refilled 
> which caused the rx stuck, rather than vmxnet3_post_rx_bufs() not being 
> called afterwards.

Not sure if this kind of level of detail is useful, but if you can
think of a better explanation to put in the changelist, I can add it.
I see the generation bit not flipping as a symptom, while the core
problem is the hardware can't write to the descriptor. I felt the
explanation was going into too much detail anyway, so I've reworded it
a bit for v2. Let me know what you think.


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