Hi Sugesh,

On Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 06:11:38PM +0000, Chandran, Sugesh wrote:
> > >>> +int
> > >>> +rte_flow_validate(uint8_t port_id,
> > >>> +                 const struct rte_flow_attr *attr,
> > >>> +                 const struct rte_flow_item pattern[],
> > >>> +                 const struct rte_flow_action actions[],
> > >>> +                 struct rte_flow_error *error);
> > >>
> > >> Why not just use rte_flow_create() and get an error? Is it less
> > >> disruptive to do a validate and find the rule cannot be created, than
> > >> using a create directly?
> > >
> > > The rationale can be found in the original RFC, which I'll convert to
> > > actual documentation in v2. In short:
> > >
> > > - Calling rte_flow_validate() before rte_flow_create() is useless since
> > >   rte_flow_create() also performs validation.
> > >
> > > - We cannot possibly express a full static set of allowed flow rules, even
> > >   if we could, it usually depends on the current hardware configuration
> > >   therefore would not be static.
> > >
> > > - rte_flow_validate() is thus provided as a replacement for capability
> > >   flags. It can be used to determine during initialization if the 
> > > underlying
> > >   device can support the typical flow rules an application might want to
> > >   provide later and do something useful with that information (e.g. always
> > >   use software fallback due to HW limitations).
> > >
> > > - rte_flow_validate() being a subset of rte_flow_create(), it is 
> > > essentially
> > >   free to expose.
> > 
> > make sense now, thanks.
> [Sugesh] : We had this discussion earlier at the design stage about the time 
> taken for programming the hardware,
> and how to make it deterministic. How about having a timeout parameter as 
> well for the rte_flow_*
> If the hardware flow insert is timed out, error out than waiting 
> indefinitely, so that application have some control over
> The time to program the flow. It can be another set of APIs something like, 
> rte_flow_create_timeout()

Yes as discussed the existing API does not provide any timing constraints to
PMDs, validate() and create() may take forever to complete, although PMDs
are strongly encouraged to take as little time as possible.

Like you suggested, this could be done through distinct API calls. The
validate() function would also have its _timeout() counterpart since the set
of possible rules could be restricted in that mode.

> Are you going to provide any control over the initialization of NIC  to 
> define the capability matrices
> For eg; To operate in a L3 router mode,  software wanted to initialize the 
> NIC port only to consider the L2 and L3 fields.
> I assume the initialization is done based on the first rules that are 
> programmed into the NIC.?

Precisely, PMDs are supposed to determine the most appropriate device mode
to use in order to handle the requested rules. They may even switch to
another mode if necessary assuming this does not break existing constraints.

I think we've discussed an atomic (commit-based) mode of operation through
separate functions as well, where the application would attempt to create a
bunch of rules at once, possibly making it easier for PMDs to determine the
most appropriate mode of operation for the device.

All of these may be added later according to users feedback once the basic
API has settled.

Adrien Mazarguil

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