Sorry dropped the ml.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 4:21 PM, David Marchand
<david.marchand at> wrote:
> Commenting in the cover letter because these are details and it is
> easier to track down what is missing before push for Thomas.
>>   driver: init/uninit common wrappers for PCI drivers
> In this patch subject, init/uninit -> prove/remove.
>>   eal: define container macro
> This patch is fine, but not used in the patchset. I would postpone it
> until we actually need it.
>>   eal: extract vdev infra
> This patch commit log tells that the vdev register macro does not call
> DRIVER_EXPORT_NAME while it actually does so.
>>   eal: remove unused PMD types
> This patch commit log has some outdated note about pmdinfo.
> We still have a reference about PMD_REGISTER_DRIVER in the
> documentation that could be replaced with a note on
> But I would do this in "drivers: convert all phy drivers as PCI drivers".
>>   eal/pci: replace PCI devinit/devuninit with probe/remove
> This patch only replaces the init/uninit methods with prove/remove for pci.
> I would generalise this to vdev as well.

David Marchand

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