Can someone please comment on this?


On 31 August 2016 at 15:32, Nikhil Jagtap <nikhil.jagtap at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> As per srTCM RFC 2697, we should be updating the E bucket only after the C
> bucket overflows.
> "Thereafter, the token counts Tc and Te are updated CIR times per second
> as follows:
>      o If Tc is less than CBS, Tc is incremented by one, else
>      o if Te is less then EBS, Te is incremented by one, else
>      o neither Tc nor Te is incremented."
> However in the current DPDK implementation of srTCM, we are updating both
> the buckets simultaneously at the same rate (CIR). This will result in a
> token accumulation rate of (2*CIR). This seems like a bug to me. Can you
> confirm this?
> Nikhil

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