On Wed, 19 Oct 2016, Iremonger, Bernard wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> <snip>
>>>>> Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH] net/ixgbe: fix vlan insert parameter
>>>>> type and its use
>>>>> The final parameter to rte_pmd_ixgbe_set_vf_vlan_insert is uint8_t
>>>>> and treated as a binary flag when it needs to be a uint16_t and
>>>>> treated as a VLAN id.  The data sheet (sect describes
>>>>> the right most
>>>>> 16 bits as the VLAN id that is to be inserted; the
>>>>> 16.11  code is accepting only a 1 or 0 thus effectively only
>>>>> allowing the VLAN id 1 to be inserted (0 disables the insertion setting).
>>>>> This patch changes the final parm name to represent the data that is
>>>>> being accepted (vlan_id), changes the type to permit all valid VLAN
>>>>> ids, and validates the parameter based on the range of 0 to 4095.
>>>>> Corresponding changes to prototype and documentation in the .h file.
>>>>> Fixes:  49e248223e9f71 ("net/ixgbe: add API for VF management")
>>>>> Signed-off-by: E. Scott Daniels <daniels at research.att.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c  | 8 ++++----
>>>>> drivers/net/ixgbe/rte_pmd_ixgbe.h | 9 +++++----
>>>>>  2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
>>>>> b/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
>>>>> index 4ca5747..316af73 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/net/ixgbe/ixgbe_ethdev.c
>>>>> @@ -4727,7 +4727,7 @@
>> rte_pmd_ixgbe_set_vf_mac_anti_spoof(uint8_t
>>>>> port, uint16_t vf, uint8_t on)  }
>>>>>  int
>>>>> -rte_pmd_ixgbe_set_vf_vlan_insert(uint8_t port, uint16_t vf, uint8_t
>>>>> on)
>>>>> +rte_pmd_ixgbe_set_vf_vlan_insert(uint8_t port, uint16_t vf,
>>>>> +uint16_t
>>>>> +vlan_id)
>>>>>  {
>>>>>   struct ixgbe_hw *hw;
>>>>>   uint32_t ctrl;
>>>>> @@ -4742,13 +4742,13 @@ rte_pmd_ixgbe_set_vf_vlan_insert(uint8_t
>>>> port,
>>>>> uint16_t vf, uint8_t on)
>>>>>   if (vf >= dev_info.max_vfs)
>>>>>           return -EINVAL;
>>>>> - if (on > 1)
>>>>> + if (vlan_id > 4095)
>>>>>           return -EINVAL;
>>>>>   hw = IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
>>>>>   ctrl = IXGBE_READ_REG(hw, IXGBE_VMVIR(vf));
>>>>> - if (on) {
>>>>> -         ctrl = on;
>>>>> + if (vlan_id) {
>>>>> +         ctrl = vlan_id;
>>>> I believe this patch is a good idea of an enhancement. But you cannot
>>>> leverage the existing code like this.
>>>> The register IXGBE_VMVIR is only for enable/disable. We cannot write
>>>> the VLAN ID into it.
>>>> If you want to merge the 2 things, enabling/disabling and setting
>>>> VLAN ID together. I think we need a totally new implementation. So
>> NACK.
>>> Reading the 82599 data sheet (sect, the change from Scott is
>> correct.
>>> The NACK is not correct.
>>> However changing the API means that where it is called needs to be
>> changed too.
>>> It is called at present from app/testpmd/cmdline.c  line 4731.
>> Bernard,
>> Should I add this change to the patch? (Didn't occur to me to look for use).
>> Scott
> No, it would be better to make the testpmd change in a separate patch, and 
> send a v2 patchset with two patches.
Will do, thanks. New to the patch world, so I appreciate your patience!


>>>>>           ctrl |= IXGBE_VMVIR_VLANA_DEFAULT;
>>>>>   } else {
>>>>>           ctrl = 0;
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgbe/rte_pmd_ixgbe.h
>>>>> b/drivers/net/ixgbe/rte_pmd_ixgbe.h
>>>>> index 2fdf530..c2fb826 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/net/ixgbe/rte_pmd_ixgbe.h
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/net/ixgbe/rte_pmd_ixgbe.h
>>>>> @@ -99,16 +99,17 @@ int
>> rte_pmd_ixgbe_set_vf_mac_anti_spoof(uint8_t
>>>>> port, uint16_t vf, uint8_t on);
>>>>>   *    The port identifier of the Ethernet device.
>>>>>   * @param vf
>>>>>   *    ID specifying VF.
>>>>> - * @param on
>>>>> - *    1 - Enable VF's vlan insert.
>>>>> - *    0 - Disable VF's vlan insert
>>>>> + * @param vlan_id
>>>>> + *    0 - Disable VF's vlan insert.
>>>>> + *    n - Enable; n is inserted as the vlan id.
>>>>>   *
>>>>>   * @return
>>>>>   *   - (0) if successful.
>>>>>   *   - (-ENODEV) if *port* invalid.
>>>>>   *   - (-EINVAL) if bad parameter.
>>>>>   */
>>>>> -int rte_pmd_ixgbe_set_vf_vlan_insert(uint8_t port, uint16_t vf,
>>>>> uint8_t on);
>>>>> +int rte_pmd_ixgbe_set_vf_vlan_insert(uint8_t port, uint16_t vf,
>>>>> +         uint16_t vlan_id);
>>>>>  /**
>>>>>   * Enable/Disable tx loopback
>>>>> --
>>>>> 1.9.1
> Regards,
> Bernard.

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