On Saturday 15 October 2016 07:14 PM, Shreyansh Jain wrote:
> 4) Design considerations that are same as PCI:
>  - SoC initialization is being done through rte_eal_init(), just after PCI
>    initialization is done.
>  - As in case of PCI, probe is done after rte_eal_pci_probe() to link the
>    devices detected with the drivers registered.
>  - Device attach/detach functions are available and have been designed on
>    the lines of PCI framework.
>  - PMDs register using DRIVER_REGISTER_SOC, very similar to
>    DRIVER_REGISTER_PCI for PCI devices.
>  - Linked list of SoC driver and devices exists independent of the other
>    driver/device list, but inheriting rte_driver/rte_driver, these are
>    also part of a global list.
Two points which I missed in the Cover letter:
1. DRIVER_REGISTER_* has been replaced with RTE_PMD_REGISTER_*.
2. This is an experimental series. Verification of this has been done 
using NXP's PMD (to be published on ML soon) without using default 
scan/match helpers.


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