On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 09:58:01AM +0200, David Marchand wrote:
> Hello,

        Hi there,

> I thought you had unaligned binaries.
> You are compiling only one binary ?

        Primary is compiled using the DPDK build process.
        Secondary is build using the Snort build process.
        Both are pointing to the exact same libdpdk.a.

> I am not sure Sergio is talking about the constructor approach.

        But, this is exactly the cause of the problem.

> Anyway, the constructors invocation order should not matter.

        For tailq, I agree. For mempool constructors, order do matter.

> Primary and secondary processes build their local tailq entries list
> in constructors (so far, I can't see how this is wrong).
> "Later", each process updates this list with the actual pointer to the
> lists by looking at the shared memory in rte_eal_init (calling
> rte_eal_tailqs_init).
> What matters is that secondary tailqs are a subset of the primary tailqs.

        Which is not the case for me, I have secondary including all
tailqs, and primary only having a subset.
        Check here :

> I still have some trouble understanding what you are trying to do.

        Having things work ;-)

> As Sergio asked, can you come up with a simplified example/use case ?

        Not trivial. I'll see what I can do.

> Thanks.
> -- 
> David Marchand



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