Hi Thomas,

On Monday 03 October 2016 07:58 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> Applied, thanks everybody for the great (re)work!


> 2016-09-20 18:11, Shreyansh Jain:
>> Future Work/Pending:
>> ===================
>>  - Presently eth_driver, rte_eth_dev are not aligned to the rte_driver/
>>    rte_device model. eth_driver still is a PCI specific entity. This
>>    has been highlighted by comments from Ferruh in [9].
>>  - Some variables, like drv_name (as highlighted by Ferruh), are getting
>>    duplicated across rte_xxx_driver/device and rte_driver/device.

Both the above are already part of my todo list.

> What about those pending work?
> I would add more remaining issues:
> - probe/remove naming could be applied to vdev for consistency

Is that for uniformity reasons? I still feel 'probe/remove' are not 
appropriate for a virtual device. init/deinit are more appropriate. As 
for PCI, probe/remove are standard parlance and hence suit it better 
than init/deinit.

Nevertheless, uniform naming convention can have its benefits - ease of 
code understanding being one.

Change is simple once we come to a conclusion.

> - rte_eal_device_insert must be called in vdev


> - REGISTER macros should be prefixed with RTE_

That would include:

I will publish a patch soon. This would be fairly straightforward change.

> - Some functions in EAL does not need eal_ in their prefix:
>       rte_eal_pci_   -> rte_pci_
>       rte_eal_dev_   -> rte_dev_
>       rte_eal_vdev_  -> rte_vdev_
>       rte_eal_driver -> rte_drv_
>       rte_eal_vdrv   -> rte_vdrv_

It can be merged with changes for:
  - drv_name
  - EAL_ before _REGISTER_ macros
  - eth_driver => rte_driver naming


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