-----Original Message----- From: Michael Bieniek [mailto:michaelbieniekd...@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2016 4:48 AM To: Zhang, Helin <helin.zhang at intel.com>; Wu, Jingjing <jingjing.wu at intel.com> Cc: dev at dpdk.org; Michael Bieniek <michaelbieniekdpdk at gmail.com> Subject: [PATCH] i40evf: add set maximum frame size support
This adds the ability to set maximum frame size for an i40e virtual interface. This patch is based on the i40e physical function maximum frame size implementation. This was tested on an system configured with multiple i40e virtual functions. Verified that the MTU was configurable and that sending packets greater than the configured MTU resulted in a drop. Signed-off-by: Michael Bieniek <michaelbieniekdpdk at gmail.com> Acked-by: Jingjing Wu <jingjing.wu at intel.com>