Hi Jerin,

Thanks for bringing a big new piece in DPDK.

I made some comments below.

2016-11-18 11:14, Jerin Jacob:
> +M: Jerin Jacob <jerin.jacob at caviumnetworks.com>
> +F: lib/librte_eventdev/

OK to mark it experimental.
What is the plan to remove the experimental word?

> + * RTE event device drivers do not use interrupts for enqueue or dequeue
> + * operation. Instead, Event drivers export Poll-Mode enqueue and dequeue
> + * functions to applications.

To the question "what makes DPDK different" it could be answered
that DPDK event drivers implement polling functions :)

> +#include <stdbool.h>
> +
> +#include <rte_pci.h>
> +#include <rte_dev.h>
> +#include <rte_memory.h>

Is it possible to remove some of these includes from the API?

> +
> +#define EVENTDEV_NAME_SKELETON_PMD event_skeleton
> +/**< Skeleton event device PMD name */

I do not understand this #define.
And it is not properly prefixed.

> +struct rte_event_dev_info {
> +     const char *driver_name;        /**< Event driver name */
> +     struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev; /**< PCI information */

There is some work in progress to remove PCI information from ethdev.
Please do not add any PCI related structure in eventdev.
The generic structure is rte_device.

> +struct rte_event_dev_config {
> +     uint32_t dequeue_wait_ns;
> +     /**< rte_event_dequeue() wait for *dequeue_wait_ns* ns on this device.

Please explain exactly when the wait occurs and why.

> +      * This value should be in the range of *min_dequeue_wait_ns* and
> +      * *max_dequeue_wait_ns* which previously provided in
> +      * rte_event_dev_info_get()

I think the @see syntax would be more consistent than \see.

> +     uint8_t nb_event_port_dequeue_depth;
> +     /**< Number of dequeue queue depth for any event port on this device.

I think it deserves more explanations.

> +     uint32_t event_dev_cfg;
> +     /**< Event device config flags(RTE_EVENT_DEV_CFG_)*/

How this field differs from others in the struct?
Should it be named flags?

> +     uint32_t event_queue_cfg; /**< Queue config flags(EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_) */

Same comment about the naming of this field for event_queue config sruct.

> +/** Event port configuration structure */
> +struct rte_event_port_conf {
> +     int32_t new_event_threshold;
> +     /**< A backpressure threshold for new event enqueues on this port.
> +      * Use for *closed system* event dev where event capacity is limited,
> +      * and cannot exceed the capacity of the event dev.
> +      * Configuring ports with different thresholds can make higher priority
> +      * traffic less likely to  be backpressured.
> +      * For example, a port used to inject NIC Rx packets into the event dev
> +      * can have a lower threshold so as not to overwhelm the device,
> +      * while ports used for worker pools can have a higher threshold.
> +      * This value cannot exceed the *nb_events_limit*
> +      * which previously supplied to rte_event_dev_configure()
> +      */
> +     uint8_t dequeue_depth;
> +     /**< Configure number of bulk dequeues for this event port.
> +      * This value cannot exceed the *nb_event_port_dequeue_depth*
> +      * which previously supplied to rte_event_dev_configure()
> +      */
> +     uint8_t enqueue_depth;
> +     /**< Configure number of bulk enqueues for this event port.
> +      * This value cannot exceed the *nb_event_port_enqueue_depth*
> +      * which previously supplied to rte_event_dev_configure()
> +      */
> +};

The depth configuration is not clear to me.

> +/* Event types to classify the event source */

Why this classification is needed?

> +#define RTE_EVENT_TYPE_ETHDEV           0x0
> +/**< The event generated from ethdev subsystem */
> +#define RTE_EVENT_TYPE_CRYPTODEV        0x1
> +/**< The event generated from crypodev subsystem */
> +#define RTE_EVENT_TYPE_TIMERDEV         0x2
> +/**< The event generated from timerdev subsystem */
> +#define RTE_EVENT_TYPE_CORE             0x3
> +/**< The event generated from core.

What is core?

> +/* Event enqueue operations */

I feel a longer explanation is needed here to describe
what is an operation and where this data is useful.

> +#define RTE_EVENT_OP_NEW                0
> +/**< New event without previous context */
> +#define RTE_EVENT_OP_FORWARD            1
> +/**< Re-enqueue previously dequeued event */
> +#define RTE_EVENT_OP_RELEASE            2

There is no comment for the release operation.

> +/**
> + * Release the flow context associated with the schedule type.
> + *
> + */

There is no function declaration below this comment.

> +/**
> + * The generic *rte_event* structure to hold the event attributes
> + * for dequeue and enqueue operation
> + */
> +struct rte_event {
> +     /** WORD0 */
> +     RTE_STD_C11
> +     union {
> +             uint64_t event;
> +     };
> +     /** WORD1 */
> +     RTE_STD_C11
> +     union {
> +             uintptr_t event_ptr;

I wonder if it can be a problem to have the size of this field
not constant across machines.

> +             /**< Opaque event pointer */
> +             struct rte_mbuf *mbuf;
> +             /**< mbuf pointer if dequeued event is associated with mbuf */

How do we know that an event is associated with mbuf?
Does it mean that such events are always converted into mbuf even if the
application does not need it?

> +struct rte_eventdev_driver;
> +struct rte_eventdev_ops;

I think it is better to split API and driver interface in two files.
(we should do this split in ethdev)

> +/**
> + * Enqueue the event object supplied in the *rte_event* structure on an
> + * event device designated by its *dev_id* through the event port specified 
> by
> + * *port_id*. The event object specifies the event queue on which this
> + * event will be enqueued.
> + *
> + * @param dev_id
> + *   Event device identifier.
> + * @param port_id
> + *   The identifier of the event port.
> + * @param ev
> + *   Pointer to struct rte_event
> + *
> + * @return
> + *  - 0 on success
> + *  - <0 on failure. Failure can occur if the event port's output queue is
> + *     backpressured, for instance.
> + */
> +static inline int
> +rte_event_enqueue(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t port_id, struct rte_event *ev)

Is it really needed to have non-burst variant of enqueue/dequeue?

> +/**
> + * Converts nanoseconds to *wait* value for rte_event_dequeue()
> + *
> + * If the device is configured with RTE_EVENT_DEV_CFG_PER_DEQUEUE_WAIT flag 
> then
> + * application can use this function to convert wait value in nanoseconds to
> + * implementations specific wait value supplied in rte_event_dequeue()

Why is it implementation-specific?
Why this conversion is not internal in the driver?

End of review for this patch ;)

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