Hi, When creating a dpdkvhostuser port in ovs 2.5, when starting vm which connected to this port, using command "ovs-ofctl show br0", it will shows like this:
3(vhost-user-0): addr:00:00:00:00:00:00 config: PORT_DOWN state: LINK_DOWN speed: 0 Mbps now, 0 Mbps max the config and state are both wrong, is this bug fixed? If not fix this bug, when ovs is controlled by sdn controller like Floodlight, floodlight will check ovs's port using only config and state as follows: public boolean isEnabled() { return (!state.contains(OFPortState.LINK_DOWN) && !config.contains(OFPortConfig.PORT_DOWN)); } So, dpdkvhostuser port will be treated as not enabled and the packet-in message will drop which will cause the vm connected to dpdkvhostuer port can't communicate with other vms; Thank you.