From: Alex Wang <>

Function like 'rte_kni_rx_burst()' keeps
allocating 'MAX_MBUF_BURST_NUM' mbufs to
kni fifo queue unless the queue's capacity
('KNI_FIFO_COUNT_MAX') is reached.  So, if
the mempool is under-provisioned, user may
run into "Out of Memory" logs from KNI code.
This commit documents the need to provision
mempool capacity of more than
"2 x KNI_FIFO_COUNT_MAX" for each KNI interface.

Signed-off-by: Alex Wang <alex at>
 lib/librte_kni/rte_kni.h | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/librte_kni/rte_kni.h b/lib/librte_kni/rte_kni.h
index 25fa45e..ac11148 100644
--- a/lib/librte_kni/rte_kni.h
+++ b/lib/librte_kni/rte_kni.h
@@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ extern void rte_kni_init(unsigned int max_kni_ifaces);
  * The rte_kni_alloc shall not be called before rte_kni_init() has been
  * called. rte_kni_alloc is thread safe.
+ * The mempool should have capacity of more than "2 x KNI_FIFO_COUNT_MAX"
+ * elements for each KNI interface allocated.
+ *
  * @param pktmbuf_pool
  *  The mempool for allocting mbufs for packets.
  * @param conf

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