On 05/19/2016 03:47 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 2016-05-18 13:04, Olivier Matz:
>> This series is a rework of mempool. For those who don't want to read
>> all the cover letter, here is a sumary:
>> - it is not possible to allocate large mempools if there is not enough
>>   contiguous memory, this series solves this issue
>> - introduce new APIs with less arguments: "create, populate, obj_init"
>> - allow to free a mempool
>> - split code in smaller functions, will ease the introduction of ext_handler
>> - remove test-pmd anonymous mempool creation
>> - remove most of dom0-specific mempool code
>> - opens the door for a eal_memory rework: we probably don't need large
>>   contiguous memory area anymore, working with pages would work.
>> This breaks the ABI as it was indicated in the deprecation for 16.04.
>> The API stays almost the same, no modification is needed in examples app
>> or in test-pmd. Only kni and mellanox drivers are slightly modified.
> Applied with a small change you sent me to fix mlx build in the middle of the 
> patchset
> and update the removed Xen files in MAINTAINERS file.
> Thanks for the big rework!

Just noticed this series "breaks" --no-huge as a regular user, commit 
593a084afc2b to be exact:

mmap(NULL, 4194304, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
temporarily unavailable)
write(1, "EAL: rte_eal_hugepage_init: mmap"..., 76EAL: 
rte_eal_hugepage_init: mmap() failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

"Breaks" in quotes because I guess it always was broken (as the 
non-locked pages might not be in physical memory) and because its
possible to adjust resourse limits to allow the operation to succeed.
If you're root, that is.

I was just looking into making the test-suite runnable by a regular user 
with no special privileges, primarily to make it possible to run the 
testsuite as part of rpm package builds (in %check), and no special 
setup or extra privileges can be assumed there. Such tests are of course 
of limited coverage but still better than nothing, and --no-huge was my 
ticket there. Talk about bad timing :)

It'd be fine to have limited subset of tests to run when non-privileged 
but since this one lives inside rte_eal_init() it practically prevents 
everything, unless I'm missing some other magic switch or such. Thoughts?

        - Panu -

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