Do not use paddr table to store the mempool memory chunks.
This will allow to have several chunks with different virtual addresses.

Signed-off-by: Olivier Matz <olivier.matz at>
 app/test/test_mempool.c          |   2 +-
 lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.c | 207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.h |  53 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/test/test_mempool.c b/app/test/test_mempool.c
index 2f317f2..2bc3ac0 100644
--- a/app/test/test_mempool.c
+++ b/app/test/test_mempool.c
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ test_mempool_basic(void)

        printf("get private data\n");
        if (rte_mempool_get_priv(mp) != (char *)mp +
-                       MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, mp->pg_num, mp->cache_size))
+                       MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, mp->cache_size))
                return -1;

 #ifndef RTE_EXEC_ENV_BSDAPP /* rte_mem_virt2phy() not supported on bsd */
diff --git a/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.c b/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.c
index ce12db5..9260318 100644
--- a/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.c
+++ b/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.c
@@ -142,14 +142,12 @@ mempool_add_elem(struct rte_mempool *mp, void *obj, 
phys_addr_t physaddr)
        struct rte_mempool_objhdr *hdr;
        struct rte_mempool_objtlr *tlr __rte_unused;

-       obj = (char *)obj + mp->header_size;
-       physaddr += mp->header_size;
        /* set mempool ptr in header */
        hdr = RTE_PTR_SUB(obj, sizeof(*hdr));
        hdr->mp = mp;
        hdr->physaddr = physaddr;
        STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mp->elt_list, hdr, next);
+       mp->populated_size++;

        hdr->cookie = RTE_MEMPOOL_HEADER_COOKIE2;
@@ -248,33 +246,6 @@ rte_mempool_obj_iter(struct rte_mempool *mp,
        return n;

- * Populate  mempool with the objects.
- */
-static void
-mempool_obj_populate(void *arg, void *start, void *end,
-       __rte_unused uint32_t idx, phys_addr_t physaddr)
-       struct rte_mempool *mp = arg;
-       mempool_add_elem(mp, start, physaddr);
-       mp->elt_va_end = (uintptr_t)end;
-static void
-mempool_populate(struct rte_mempool *mp, size_t num, size_t align)
-       uint32_t elt_sz;
-       elt_sz = mp->elt_size + mp->header_size + mp->trailer_size;
-       mp->size = rte_mempool_obj_mem_iter((void *)mp->elt_va_start,
-               num, elt_sz, align,
-               mp->elt_pa, mp->pg_num, mp->pg_shift,
-               mempool_obj_populate, mp);
 /* get the header, trailer and total size of a mempool element. */
 rte_mempool_calc_obj_size(uint32_t elt_size, uint32_t flags,
@@ -469,6 +440,110 @@ rte_mempool_ring_create(struct rte_mempool *mp)
        return 0;

+/* Free memory chunks used by a mempool. Objects must be in pool */
+static void
+rte_mempool_free_memchunks(struct rte_mempool *mp)
+       struct rte_mempool_memhdr *memhdr;
+       void *elt;
+       while (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&mp->elt_list)) {
+               rte_ring_sc_dequeue(mp->ring, &elt);
+               (void)elt;
+               STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&mp->elt_list, next);
+               mp->populated_size--;
+       }
+       while (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&mp->mem_list)) {
+               memhdr = STAILQ_FIRST(&mp->mem_list);
+               STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&mp->mem_list, next);
+               rte_free(memhdr);
+               mp->nb_mem_chunks--;
+       }
+/* Add objects in the pool, using a physically contiguous memory
+ * zone. Return the number of objects added, or a negative value
+ * on error.
+ */
+static int
+rte_mempool_populate_phys(struct rte_mempool *mp, char *vaddr,
+       phys_addr_t paddr, size_t len)
+       unsigned total_elt_sz;
+       unsigned i = 0;
+       size_t off;
+       struct rte_mempool_memhdr *memhdr;
+       /* mempool is already populated */
+       if (mp->populated_size >= mp->size)
+               return -ENOSPC;
+       total_elt_sz = mp->header_size + mp->elt_size + mp->trailer_size;
+       memhdr = rte_zmalloc("MEMPOOL_MEMHDR", sizeof(*memhdr), 0);
+       if (memhdr == NULL)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       memhdr->mp = mp;
+       memhdr->addr = vaddr;
+       memhdr->phys_addr = paddr;
+       memhdr->len = len;
+       if (mp->flags & MEMPOOL_F_NO_CACHE_ALIGN)
+               off = RTE_PTR_ALIGN_CEIL(vaddr, 8) - vaddr;
+       else
+               off = RTE_PTR_ALIGN_CEIL(vaddr, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) - vaddr;
+       while (off + total_elt_sz <= len && mp->populated_size < mp->size) {
+               off += mp->header_size;
+               mempool_add_elem(mp, (char *)vaddr + off, paddr + off);
+               off += mp->elt_size + mp->trailer_size;
+               i++;
+       }
+       /* not enough room to store one object */
+       if (i == 0)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mp->mem_list, memhdr, next);
+       mp->nb_mem_chunks++;
+       return i;
+/* Add objects in the pool, using a table of physical pages. Return the
+ * number of objects added, or a negative value on error.
+ */
+static int
+rte_mempool_populate_phys_tab(struct rte_mempool *mp, char *vaddr,
+       const phys_addr_t paddr[], uint32_t pg_num, uint32_t pg_shift)
+       uint32_t i, n;
+       int ret, cnt = 0;
+       size_t pg_sz = (size_t)1 << pg_shift;
+       /* mempool must not be populated */
+       if (mp->nb_mem_chunks != 0)
+               return -EEXIST;
+       for (i = 0; i < pg_num && mp->populated_size < mp->size; i += n) {
+               /* populate with the largest group of contiguous pages */
+               for (n = 1; (i + n) < pg_num &&
+                            paddr[i] + pg_sz == paddr[i+n]; n++)
+                       ;
+               ret = rte_mempool_populate_phys(mp, vaddr + i * pg_sz,
+                       paddr[i], n * pg_sz);
+               if (ret < 0) {
+                       rte_mempool_free_memchunks(mp);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               cnt += ret;
+       }
+       return cnt;
  * Create the mempool over already allocated chunk of memory.
  * That external memory buffer can consists of physically disjoint pages.
@@ -495,6 +570,7 @@ rte_mempool_xmem_create(const char *name, unsigned n, 
unsigned elt_size,
        struct rte_mempool_objsz objsz;
        void *startaddr;
        int page_size = getpagesize();
+       int ret;

        /* compilation-time checks */
        RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON((sizeof(struct rte_mempool) &
@@ -524,7 +600,7 @@ rte_mempool_xmem_create(const char *name, unsigned n, 
unsigned elt_size,

        /* Check that pg_num and pg_shift parameters are valid. */
-       if (pg_num < RTE_DIM(mp->elt_pa) || pg_shift > MEMPOOL_PG_SHIFT_MAX) {
+       if (pg_num == 0 || pg_shift > MEMPOOL_PG_SHIFT_MAX) {
                rte_errno = EINVAL;
                return NULL;
@@ -571,7 +647,7 @@ rte_mempool_xmem_create(const char *name, unsigned n, 
unsigned elt_size,
         * store mempool objects. Otherwise reserve a memzone that is large
         * enough to hold mempool header and metadata plus mempool objects.
-       mempool_size = MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, pg_num, cache_size);
+       mempool_size = MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, cache_size);
        mempool_size += private_data_size;
        mempool_size = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(mempool_size, RTE_MEMPOOL_ALIGN);
        if (vaddr == NULL)
@@ -619,6 +695,7 @@ rte_mempool_xmem_create(const char *name, unsigned n, 
unsigned elt_size,
        mp->cache_flushthresh = CALC_CACHE_FLUSHTHRESH(cache_size);
        mp->private_data_size = private_data_size;
+       STAILQ_INIT(&mp->mem_list);

        if (rte_mempool_ring_create(mp) < 0)
                goto exit_unlock;
@@ -628,37 +705,31 @@ rte_mempool_xmem_create(const char *name, unsigned n, 
unsigned elt_size,
         * The local_cache points to just past the elt_pa[] array.
        mp->local_cache = (struct rte_mempool_cache *)
-               RTE_PTR_ADD(mp, MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, pg_num, 0));
-       /* calculate address of the first element for continuous mempool. */
-       obj = (char *)mp + MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, pg_num, cache_size) +
-               private_data_size;
+               RTE_PTR_ADD(mp, MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, 0));

-       /* populate address translation fields. */
-       mp->pg_num = pg_num;
-       mp->pg_shift = pg_shift;
-       mp->pg_mask = RTE_LEN2MASK(mp->pg_shift, typeof(mp->pg_mask));
+       /* call the initializer */
+       if (mp_init)
+               mp_init(mp, mp_init_arg);

        /* mempool elements allocated together with mempool */
        if (vaddr == NULL) {
-               mp->elt_va_start = (uintptr_t)obj;
-               mp->elt_pa[0] = mp->phys_addr +
-                       (mp->elt_va_start - (uintptr_t)mp);
+               /* calculate address of the first elt for continuous mempool. */
+               obj = (char *)mp + MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, cache_size) +
+                       private_data_size;
+               obj = RTE_PTR_ALIGN_CEIL(obj, RTE_MEMPOOL_ALIGN);
+               ret = rte_mempool_populate_phys(mp, obj,
+                       mp->phys_addr + ((char *)obj - (char *)mp),
+                       objsz.total_size * n);
+               if (ret != (int)mp->size)
+                       goto exit_unlock;
        } else {
-               /* mempool elements in a separate chunk of memory. */
-               mp->elt_va_start = (uintptr_t)vaddr;
-               memcpy(mp->elt_pa, paddr, sizeof (mp->elt_pa[0]) * pg_num);
+               ret = rte_mempool_populate_phys_tab(mp, vaddr,
+                       paddr, pg_num, pg_shift);
+               if (ret != (int)mp->size)
+                       goto exit_unlock;

-       mp->elt_va_end = mp->elt_va_start;
-       /* call the initializer */
-       if (mp_init)
-               mp_init(mp, mp_init_arg);
-       mempool_populate(mp, n, 1);
        /* call the initializer */
        if (obj_init)
                rte_mempool_obj_iter(mp, obj_init, obj_init_arg);
@@ -674,8 +745,10 @@ rte_mempool_xmem_create(const char *name, unsigned n, 
unsigned elt_size,

-       if (mp != NULL)
+       if (mp != NULL) {
+               rte_mempool_free_memchunks(mp);
+       }

        return NULL;
@@ -871,8 +944,10 @@ rte_mempool_dump(FILE *f, struct rte_mempool *mp)
        struct rte_mempool_debug_stats sum;
        unsigned lcore_id;
+       struct rte_mempool_memhdr *memhdr;
        unsigned common_count;
        unsigned cache_count;
+       size_t mem_len = 0;

        RTE_ASSERT(f != NULL);
        RTE_ASSERT(mp != NULL);
@@ -881,7 +956,9 @@ rte_mempool_dump(FILE *f, struct rte_mempool *mp)
        fprintf(f, "  flags=%x\n", mp->flags);
        fprintf(f, "  ring=<%s>@%p\n", mp->ring->name, mp->ring);
        fprintf(f, "  phys_addr=0x%" PRIx64 "\n", mp->phys_addr);
+       fprintf(f, "  nb_mem_chunks=%u\n", mp->nb_mem_chunks);
        fprintf(f, "  size=%"PRIu32"\n", mp->size);
+       fprintf(f, "  populated_size=%"PRIu32"\n", mp->populated_size);
        fprintf(f, "  header_size=%"PRIu32"\n", mp->header_size);
        fprintf(f, "  elt_size=%"PRIu32"\n", mp->elt_size);
        fprintf(f, "  trailer_size=%"PRIu32"\n", mp->trailer_size);
@@ -889,17 +966,13 @@ rte_mempool_dump(FILE *f, struct rte_mempool *mp)
               mp->header_size + mp->elt_size + mp->trailer_size);

        fprintf(f, "  private_data_size=%"PRIu32"\n", mp->private_data_size);
-       fprintf(f, "  pg_num=%"PRIu32"\n", mp->pg_num);
-       fprintf(f, "  pg_shift=%"PRIu32"\n", mp->pg_shift);
-       fprintf(f, "  pg_mask=%#tx\n", mp->pg_mask);
-       fprintf(f, "  elt_va_start=%#tx\n", mp->elt_va_start);
-       fprintf(f, "  elt_va_end=%#tx\n", mp->elt_va_end);
-       fprintf(f, "  elt_pa[0]=0x%" PRIx64 "\n", mp->elt_pa[0]);
-       if (mp->size != 0)
+       STAILQ_FOREACH(memhdr, &mp->mem_list, next)
+               mem_len += memhdr->len;
+       if (mem_len != 0) {
                fprintf(f, "  avg bytes/object=%#Lf\n",
-                       (long double)(mp->elt_va_end - mp->elt_va_start) /
-                       mp->size);
+                       (long double)mem_len / mp->size);
+       }

        cache_count = rte_mempool_dump_cache(f, mp);
        common_count = rte_ring_count(mp->ring);
diff --git a/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.h b/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.h
index a65b63f..690928e 100644
--- a/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.h
+++ b/lib/librte_mempool/rte_mempool.h
@@ -183,6 +183,25 @@ struct rte_mempool_objtlr {

+ * A list of memory where objects are stored
+ */
+STAILQ_HEAD(rte_mempool_memhdr_list, rte_mempool_memhdr);
+ * Mempool objects memory header structure
+ *
+ * The memory chunks where objects are stored. Each chunk is virtually
+ * and physically contiguous.
+ */
+struct rte_mempool_memhdr {
+       STAILQ_ENTRY(rte_mempool_memhdr) next; /**< Next in list. */
+       struct rte_mempool *mp;  /**< The mempool owning the chunk */
+       void *addr;              /**< Virtual address of the chunk */
+       phys_addr_t phys_addr;   /**< Physical address of the chunk */
+       size_t len;              /**< length of the chunk */
  * The RTE mempool structure.
 struct rte_mempool {
@@ -191,7 +210,7 @@ struct rte_mempool {
        phys_addr_t phys_addr;           /**< Phys. addr. of mempool struct. */
        int flags;                       /**< Flags of the mempool. */
        int socket_id;                   /**< Socket id passed at mempool 
creation. */
-       uint32_t size;                   /**< Size of the mempool. */
+       uint32_t size;                   /**< Max size of the mempool. */
        uint32_t cache_size;             /**< Size of per-lcore local cache. */
        uint32_t cache_flushthresh;
        /**< Threshold before we flush excess elements. */
@@ -204,26 +223,15 @@ struct rte_mempool {

        struct rte_mempool_cache *local_cache; /**< Per-lcore local cache */

+       uint32_t populated_size;         /**< Number of populated objects. */
        struct rte_mempool_objhdr_list elt_list; /**< List of objects in pool */
+       uint32_t nb_mem_chunks;          /**< Number of memory chunks */
+       struct rte_mempool_memhdr_list mem_list; /**< List of memory chunks */

        /** Per-lcore statistics. */
        struct rte_mempool_debug_stats stats[RTE_MAX_LCORE];
-       /* Address translation support, starts from next cache line. */
-       /** Number of elements in the elt_pa array. */
-       uint32_t    pg_num __rte_cache_aligned;
-       uint32_t    pg_shift;     /**< LOG2 of the physical pages. */
-       uintptr_t   pg_mask;      /**< physical page mask value. */
-       uintptr_t   elt_va_start;
-       /**< Virtual address of the first mempool object. */
-       uintptr_t   elt_va_end;
-       /**< Virtual address of the <size + 1> mempool object. */
-       phys_addr_t elt_pa[MEMPOOL_PG_NUM_DEFAULT];
-       /**< Array of physical page addresses for the mempool objects buffer. */
 }  __rte_cache_aligned;

 #define MEMPOOL_F_NO_SPREAD      0x0001 /**< Do not spread among memory 
channels. */
@@ -254,24 +262,15 @@ struct rte_mempool {

- * Size of elt_pa array size based on number of pages. (Internal use)
- */
-#define __PA_SIZE(mp, pgn) \
-       RTE_ALIGN_CEIL((((pgn) - RTE_DIM((mp)->elt_pa)) * \
-       sizeof((mp)->elt_pa[0])), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE)
  * Calculate the size of the mempool header.
  * @param mp
  *   Pointer to the memory pool.
- * @param pgn
- *   Number of pages used to store mempool objects.
  * @param cs
  *   Size of the per-lcore cache.
-#define MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, pgn, cs) \
-       (sizeof(*(mp)) + __PA_SIZE(mp, pgn) + (((cs) == 0) ? 0 : \
+#define MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, cs) \
+       (sizeof(*(mp)) + (((cs) == 0) ? 0 : \
        (sizeof(struct rte_mempool_cache) * RTE_MAX_LCORE)))

 /* return the header of a mempool object (internal) */
@@ -1165,7 +1164,7 @@ void rte_mempool_audit(struct rte_mempool *mp);
 static inline void *rte_mempool_get_priv(struct rte_mempool *mp)
        return (char *)mp +
-               MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, mp->pg_num, mp->cache_size);
+               MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, mp->cache_size);


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