2016-03-21 17:01, Qian Xu:
> INTX is badly emulated in Vmware, INTX toggle check didn't work
> with Vmware e1000 device. The patch is to fix the issue.

Is it possible to detect a VMware e1000 device?

> --- a/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/igb_uio/igb_uio.c
> +++ b/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/igb_uio/igb_uio.c
>       case RTE_INTR_MODE_LEGACY:
> -             if (pci_intx_mask_supported(dev)) {
> -                     dev_dbg(&dev->dev, "using INTX");
> -                     udev->info.irq_flags = IRQF_SHARED;
> -                     udev->info.irq = dev->irq;
> -                     udev->mode = RTE_INTR_MODE_LEGACY;
> -                     break;
> -             }
> -             dev_notice(&dev->dev, "PCI INTX mask not supported\n");
> +                dev_dbg(&dev->dev, "using INTX");
> +                udev->info.irq_flags = IRQF_SHARED;
> +                udev->info.irq = dev->irq;
> +                udev->mode = RTE_INTR_MODE_LEGACY;
> +                break;
>               /* fall back to no IRQ */
>       case RTE_INTR_MODE_NONE:

This patch is removing the INTX support detection and the
fallback to no IRQ.

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