

wenhb at techsure.com.cn

From: dev-request
Date: 2016-03-13 23:17
To: dev
Subject: dev Digest, Vol 83, Issue 176
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: [PATCH v8 1/4] lib/ether: optimize struct
      rte_eth_tunnel_filter_conf (Thomas Monjalon)
   2. Re: [PATCH v8 0/4] This patch set adds tunnel filter support
      for IP in GRE on i40e. (Thomas Monjalon)
   3. dpdk hash lookup function crashed (segment fault) (??)
   4. Re: [PATCH v4 0/4] Add PCAP support to source and sink port
      (Thomas Monjalon)
   5. Re: [PATCH v3] ip_pipeline: add load balancing function to
      pass-through pipeline (Thomas Monjalon)
   6. Re: [PATCH] app/test-pmd: add support for zero rx and tx
      queues (Thomas Monjalon)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2016 13:01:05 +0100
From: Thomas Monjalon <thomas.monja...@6wind.com>
To: Jingjing Wu <jingjing.wu at intel.com>, xutao.sun at intel.com
Cc: dev at dpdk.org, helin.zhang at intel.com, Jijiang Liu
<jijiang.liu at intel.com>
Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v8 1/4] lib/ether: optimize struct
Message-ID: <3488408.ByHyY3dxP7 at xps13>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

2016-03-10 11:05, Jingjing Wu:
> From: Xutao Sun <xutao.sun at intel.com>
> Change the fields of outer_mac and inner_mac in struct
> rte_eth_tunnel_filter_conf from pointer to struct in order to
> keep the code's readability.

It breaks compilation of examples/tep_termination.

> --- a/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
> +++ b/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
> @@ -6628,8 +6628,10 @@ cmd_tunnel_filter_parsed(void *parsed_result,
>  struct rte_eth_tunnel_filter_conf tunnel_filter_conf;
>  int ret = 0;
> - tunnel_filter_conf.outer_mac = &res->outer_mac;
> - tunnel_filter_conf.inner_mac = &res->inner_mac;
> + rte_memcpy(&tunnel_filter_conf.outer_mac, &res->outer_mac,
> + rte_memcpy(&tunnel_filter_conf.inner_mac, &res->inner_mac,

Please use ether_addr_copy().

> --- a/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c
> +++ b/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c
> @@ -5839,10 +5839,10 @@ i40e_dev_tunnel_filter_set(struct i40e_pf *pf,
>  }
>  pfilter = cld_filter;
> - (void)rte_memcpy(&pfilter->outer_mac, tunnel_filter->outer_mac,
> - sizeof(struct ether_addr));
> - (void)rte_memcpy(&pfilter->inner_mac, tunnel_filter->inner_mac,
> - sizeof(struct ether_addr));
> + (void)rte_memcpy(&pfilter->outer_mac, &tunnel_filter->outer_mac,
> + (void)rte_memcpy(&pfilter->inner_mac, &tunnel_filter->inner_mac,

As already commented in January, please stop this useless return cast.

There is a dedicated function to copy MAC addresses:


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2016 15:18:37 +0100
From: Thomas Monjalon <thomas.monja...@6wind.com>
To: Jingjing Wu <jingjing.wu at intel.com>, xutao.sun at intel.com
Cc: dev at dpdk.org, helin.zhang at intel.com
Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v8 0/4] This patch set adds tunnel
filter support for IP in GRE on i40e.
Message-ID: <2132081.GGHc1VANAT at xps13>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

2016-03-10 11:05, Jingjing Wu:
> Xutao Sun (4):
>   lib/ether: optimize the'rte_eth_tunnel_filter_conf' structure
>   lib/ether: add IP in GRE type
>   driver/i40e: implement tunnel filter for IP in GRE
>   app/test-pmd: test tunnel filter for IP in GRE

I've done the changes for ether_addr_copy and fixed tep_termination.
Applied, thanks


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2016 22:38:14 +0800 (CST)
From: ?? <zhang...@126.com>
To: dev at dpdk.org
Subject: [dpdk-dev] dpdk hash lookup function crashed (segment fault)
Message-ID: <44245b2a.50bb.1537069ca54.Coremail.zhangwqh at 126.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=GBK

Hi all, 
When I use the dpdk lookup function, I met the segment fault problem. Can  
anybody help to look at why this happens. I will put the aim what I want to do 
and the related piece of code, and my debug message, 

This problem is that in dpdk multi process - client and server example, 
My aim is that server create a hash table, then share it to client. Client will 
write the hash  table, server will read the hash table.  I am using dpdk hash 
table.  What I did is that server create a hash table (table and array 
entries), return the table address.  I use memzone pass the table address to 
client.  In client, the second lookup gets segment fault. The system gets 
crashed.  I will put some related code here. 
create hash table function:

struct onvm_ft*

onvm_ft_create(int cnt, int entry_size) {

        struct rte_hash* hash;

        struct onvm_ft* ft;

        struct rte_hash_parameters ipv4_hash_params = {

            .name = NULL,

            .entries = cnt,

            .key_len = sizeof(struct onvm_ft_ipv4_5tuple),

            .hash_func = NULL,

            .hash_func_init_val = 0,


        char s[64];

        /* create ipv4 hash table. use core number and cycle counter to get a 
unique name. */

        ipv4_hash_params.name = s;

        ipv4_hash_params.socket_id = rte_socket_id();

        snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "onvm_ft_%d-%"PRIu64, rte_lcore_id(), 

        hash = rte_hash_create(&ipv4_hash_params);

        if (hash == NULL) {

                return NULL;


        ft = (struct onvm_ft*)rte_calloc("table", 1, sizeof(struct onvm_ft), 0);

        if (ft == NULL) {


                return NULL;


        ft->hash = hash;

        ft->cnt = cnt;

        ft->entry_size = entry_size;

        /* Create data array for storing values */

        ft->data = rte_calloc("entry", cnt, entry_size, 0);

        if (ft->data == NULL) {



                return NULL;


        return ft;


related structure:

struct onvm_ft {

        struct rte_hash* hash;

        char* data;

        int cnt;

        int entry_size;


in server side, I will call the create function, use memzone share it to 
client. The following is what I do:

related variables:

struct onvm_ft *sdn_ft;

struct onvm_ft **sdn_ft_p;

const struct rte_memzone *mz_ftp;

        sdn_ft = onvm_ft_create(1024, sizeof(struct onvm_flow_entry));

        if(sdn_ft == NULL) {

                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to create flow table\n");


        mz_ftp = rte_memzone_reserve(MZ_FTP_INFO, sizeof(struct onvm_ft *),

                                  rte_socket_id(), NO_FLAGS);

        if (mz_ftp == NULL) {

                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Canot reserve memory zone for flow 
table pointer\n");


        memset(mz_ftp->addr, 0, sizeof(struct onvm_ft *));

        sdn_ft_p = mz_ftp->addr;

        *sdn_ft_p = sdn_ft;

In client side:

struct onvm_ft *sdn_ft;

static void

map_flow_table(void) {

        const struct rte_memzone *mz_ftp;

        struct onvm_ft **ftp;

        mz_ftp = rte_memzone_lookup(MZ_FTP_INFO);

        if (mz_ftp == NULL)

                rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot get flow table pointer\n");

        ftp = mz_ftp->addr;

        sdn_ft = *ftp;


The following is my debug message: I set a breakpoint in lookup table line. To 
narrow down the problem, I just send one flow. So the second time and the first 
time, the packets are the same.  

For the first time, it works. I print out the parameters: inside the 
onvm_ft_lookup function, if there is a related entry, it will return the 
address by flow_entry. 

Breakpoint 1, datapath_handle_read (dp=0x7ffff00008c0) at 

191                                 ret = onvm_ft_lookup(sdn_ft, fk, 

(gdb) print *sdn_ft 

$1 = {hash = 0x7fff32cce740, data = 0x7fff32cb0480 "", cnt = 1024, entry_size = 

(gdb) print *fk

$2 = {src_addr = 419496202, dst_addr = 453050634, src_port = 53764, dst_port = 
11798, proto = 17 '\021'}

(gdb) s

onvm_ft_lookup (table=0x7fff32cbe4c0, key=0x7fff32b99d00, data=0x7ffff68d2b00) 

151 softrss = onvm_softrss(key);

(gdb) n

152         printf("software rss %d\n", softrss);


software rss 403183624

154         tbl_index = rte_hash_lookup_with_hash(table->hash, (const void 
*)key, softrss);

(gdb) print table->hash

$3 = (struct rte_hash *) 0x7fff32cce740

(gdb) print *key

$4 = {src_addr = 419496202, dst_addr = 453050634, src_port = 53764, dst_port = 
11798, proto = 17 '\021'}

(gdb) print softrss 

$5 = 403183624

(gdb) c

After I hit c, it will do the second lookup,

Breakpoint 1, datapath_handle_read (dp=0x7ffff00008c0) at 

191                                 ret = onvm_ft_lookup(sdn_ft, fk, 

(gdb) print *sdn_ft

$7 = {hash = 0x7fff32cce740, data = 0x7fff32cb0480 "", cnt = 1024, entry_size = 

(gdb) print *fk

$8 = {src_addr = 419496202, dst_addr = 453050634, src_port = 53764, dst_port = 
11798, proto = 17 '\021'}

(gdb) s

onvm_ft_lookup (table=0x7fff32cbe4c0, key=0x7fff32b99c00, data=0x7ffff68d2b00) 

151 softrss = onvm_softrss(key);

(gdb) n

152         printf("software rss %d\n", softrss);

(gdb) n

software rss 403183624

154         tbl_index = rte_hash_lookup_with_hash(table->hash, (const void 
*)key, softrss);

(gdb) print table->hash

$9 = (struct rte_hash *) 0x7fff32cce740

(gdb) print *key 

$10 = {src_addr = 419496202, dst_addr = 453050634, src_port = 53764, dst_port = 
11798, proto = 17 '\021'}

(gdb) print softrss

$11 = 403183624

(gdb) n

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

0x000000000045fb97 in __rte_hash_lookup_bulk ()

(gdb) bt

#0  0x000000000045fb97 in __rte_hash_lookup_bulk ()

#1  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

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