2016-03-01 08:29, Panu Matilainen:
> DPDK_2.3 {
>       global:
>       rte_eth_dev_get_ptype_info;
>       local: *;
> } DPDK_2.2;
> ...but if there are no other reasons to respin the series perhaps Thomas 
> can fixup that while applying.
> Then there's the actual version, which should optimally be DPDK_16.04 
> but that's purely cosmetical. There are a number of patches floating 
> around with DPDK_2.3 {} and librte_eal actually has one on board, so 
> clearly the dust from versioning change has not yet settled.

Yes it must be 16.04.
I've just sent a patch for EAL:

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