Bifurcated driver is a mechanism which depends the advanced
Ethernet device to split traffic between queues. It provides
the capability to let the kernel driver and DPDK driver co-exist
and take their advantage.
It is achieved by using SRIOV and NIC's advanced filtering. This
patch describes it and adds the user guide on ixgbe NICs.

Signed-off-by: Jingjing Wu <jingjing.wu at>
 doc/guides/nics/img/bifurcated_driver_overview.svg | 544 +++++++++++++++++++++
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 doc/guides/nics/ixgbe.rst                          | 119 +++++
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+++ b/doc/guides/nics/ixgbe.rst
@@ -224,3 +224,122 @@ be calculated as follows:
   max_read_interval = ~4 mins 48 sec.

 In order to ensure valid results, it is recommended to poll every 4 minutes.
+.. _bifurcated_driver:
+Bifurcated driver guide
+Bifurcated driver is a mechanism which depends the advanced Ethernet device to
+split traffic between Linux user space and kernel space. Because it is hardware
+assisted design, this approach can provide the line rate processing capability.
+Other than KNI, the SW is just required to device configuration, no need to
+take care of the packet movement during the traffic split. This can get more
+performance with less CPU overhead.
+The Bifurcated driver take advantage of Ethernet device feature to split the
+incoming data traffic to user space application (Such as DPDK application)
+and/or kernel space program (Linux kernel stack). It can direct some traffic
+(e.g data plane traffic) to DPDK, while direct some other traffic (e.g control
+plane traffic) to the traditional Linux networking stack.
+There are a number of technical options to achieve this. A typical example is
+to combine the technology of SR-IOV and packet classification filtering.
+SR-IOV is a PCI standard that allows the same physical adapter to split as
+multiple virtual functions. Each virtual function has separated queues with
+physical function. Traffic with a virtual function?s destination MAC address
+from network adapter will be directed to it. In a sense, SR-IOV has the
+capability on queue division.
+Packet classification filtering is the hardware capability available on most
+network adapters. Filters can be configured to direct specific flows to a given
+receive queue by hardware. Different NIC may have different filter types to
+direct flow to a Virtual Function or a queue belong to it.
+Linux network can receive the specific traffic through kernel driver, while
+DPDK can receive the specific traffic bypassing the Linux kernel by using
+drivers like VFIO or DPDK igb_uio module.
+.. _figure_bifurcated_driver_overview:
+.. figure:: img/bifurcated_driver_overview.*
+   Bifurcated Driver Overview
+Use Bifurcated driver on IXGBE in Linux
+On Intel? 82599 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller series NICs, Bifurcated driver
+can be achieved by SR-IOV and flow director technologies. So the traffic can
+be directed to queues by flow director capability, typically by matching 
+of UDP/TCP packets.
+The step procedure is as following:
+#.  Boot system without iommu, or with ?iommu=pt?.
+#.  Create Virtual Functions:
+    .. code-block:: console
+        echo 2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/sriov_numvfs
+#.  Enable and set flow filters:
+    .. code-block:: console
+        ethtool -K eth1 ntuple on
+        ethtool -N eth1 flow-type udp4 src-ip dst-ip \
+                       action $queue_index_in_VF0
+        ethtool -N eth1 flow-type udp4 src-ip dst-ip \
+                action $queue_index_in_VF1
+    where:
+        *   $queue_index_in_PF: [queue index]
+        *   $queue_index_in_VFn: Bits 39:32 of the variable defines VF id + 1; 
lower 32 bits indicates the queue index of VF.
+            *   $queue_index_in_VF0 = (0x1 & 0xFF) << 32 + [queue index];
+            *   $queue_index_in_VF1 = (0x2 & 0xFF) << 32 + [queue index];
+        .. _figure_ixgbe_bifu_queue_idx:
+        .. figure:: img/ixgbe_bifu_queue_idx.*
+#.  Compile the DPDK and insert igb_uio or probe vfio-pci kernel modules as 
+#.  Bind virtual function:
+    .. code-block:: console
+        modprobe vfio-pci
+ -b vfio-pci 01:10.0
+ -b vfio-pci 01:10.1
+#.  run DPDK application on VFs:
+    .. code-block:: console
+        testpmd -c 0xff -n 4 -- -i -w 01:10.0 -w 01:10.1 --forward-mode=mac
+In this example, traffic matching the rules will go through VF by matching the
+filter rule. All other traffic which mismatching the rules, will go through
+the default queue or scaling on queues in PF. That is to say UDP packets with
+those IP source and destination addresses will go through the DPDK. All other
+traffic, with different hosts or different protocols, will go through the Linux
+networking stack.
+.. note::
+    *   The above steps work on the Linux kernel v4.2.
+    *   The Bifurcated driver is implemented in Linux kernel and ixgbe kernel 
driver by following patches:
+        *   `ethtool: Add helper routines to pass vf to rx_flow_spec 
+        *   `ixgbe: Allow flow director to use entire queue space 
+    *   Ethtool's version used in this example is 3.18.
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