Hi Olivier,

> Hi Konstantin,
> On 06/16/2016 01:29 PM, Ananyev, Konstantin wrote:
> >>>> I suggest instead to set the ptype
> >>>> in an opportunistic fashion instead:
> >>>> - if the driver/hw knows the ptype, set it
> >>>> - else, set it to unknown
> >>>
> >>> That's what PMD does now... and I don't think it can do much more -
> >>> only interpret information provided by the HW in a proper way.
> >>> Probably I misunderstood you here...
> >>
> >> My suggestion was to remove get_supported_ptypes an set the ptype in
> >> mbuf when the pmd recognize a type.
> >>
> >> But we could also keep get_supported_ptypes() for ptypes that will
> >> always be recognized, allowing a PMD to set any other ptype if it
> >> is recognized. This is probably what we have today in some PMDs, I
> >> think it just requires some clarification.
> >
> > Yes, +1 to the second option.
> What about the following API comment?
> '''
> Retrieve the supported packet types of an Ethernet device.
> When a packet type is announced as supported, it *must* be recognized by
> and RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV4 are announced, the PMD must return the following
> packet types for these packets:
> - Ether/IPv4              -> RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER | RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV4
> - Ether/Vlan/IPv4         -> RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER_VLAN | RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV4
> - Ether/<anything else>   -> RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER
> - Ether/Vlan/<anything else> -> RTE_PTYPE_L2_ETHER_VLAN
> When a packet is received by a PMD, the most precise type must be
> returned among the ones supported. However a PMD is allowed to set
> packet type that is not in the supported list, at the condition that it
> is more precise. Therefore, a PMD announcing no supported packet types
> can still set a matching packet type in a received packet.
> '''
> If it's fine I'll submit it as a patch.

Yep, looks good to me.

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