Due to the hierarchy and the demand to keep the base config shoing all
options some options end up multiple times in the .config file.

A suggested solution was to filter for duplicates at the end of the
actual config step which is implemented here.

Signed-off-by: Christian Ehrhardt <christian.ehrhardt at canonical.com>
 mk/rte.sdkconfig.mk | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/mk/rte.sdkconfig.mk b/mk/rte.sdkconfig.mk
index a3acfe6..734aa06 100644
--- a/mk/rte.sdkconfig.mk
+++ b/mk/rte.sdkconfig.mk
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ config: notemplate
 config: $(RTE_OUTPUT)/include/rte_config.h $(RTE_OUTPUT)/Makefile
        $(Q)$(MAKE) depdirs
+       tac $(RTE_OUTPUT)/.config | awk --field-separator '=' '!/^#/ {print 
$$1}' | while read config; do \
+               if [ $$(grep "^$${config}=" $(RTE_OUTPUT)/.config | wc -l) -gt 
1 ]; then \
+                       sed -i "0,/$${config}/{//d}" $(RTE_OUTPUT)/.config; \
+               fi; \
+       done
        @echo "Configuration done"


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