Hi Konstantin, Thomas, > -----Original Message----- > From: Thomas Monjalon [mailto:thomas.monjalon at 6wind.com] > Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2016 5:00 PM > To: Ananyev, Konstantin; Lu, Wenzhuo > Cc: dev at dpdk.org > Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH] examples: add a new example for link reset > > 2016-06-08 08:37, Ananyev, Konstantin: > > > From: Ananyev, Konstantin > > > > From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Wenzhuo Lu > > > > > Add a new example to show when the PF is down and up, VF port > > > > > can be reset and recover. > > > > > > > > Do we really need a totally new example for it? > > > > Can't we put it in one of already existing ones? > > > > Let say we have l3fwd-vf... wouldn't that suit your needs? > > > > Konstantin > > > I thought about just modifying an existing example. But I choose to > > > add a new one at last. The benefit of a totally new example is we can > > > make it > simple enough and focus on the reset function. > > > So it's easier for the users to find what we want to show. And it's > > > also easier for us as we don't need to care about if our > > > modification will break some function of the original example :) > > > > I still think that adding a new example for esch new feature/function in > rte_ethdev API iw way too expensive. > > If your change is not good enough and will break original example, > > then you probably re-work your feature patch to make it stable enough. > > After all people will use it in their existing apps, not write the new ones > > right? > > BTW, why not make it work with testpmd? > > After all it is a new PMD api, an that's for we have our testpmd here? > > +1 for testpmd
I may not make myself clear. I said "function" but actually I mainly mean the performance impact but not the functionality. As we know l2fwd and l3fwd can be used to show the performance of DPDK, adding lock will break this function, showing the performance data. That's why I don't want to touch l2fwd and l3fwd. Agree that testpmd can be a choice. I'll try to modify testpmd, maybe add a parameter, like "testpmd --lock". So by default we will not use lock mode.