From: Ajit Khaparde <>

A VNIC represents a virtual interface. It is a resource in the RX path
of the chip and is used to setup various target actions such as RSS,
MAC filtering etc.. for the physical function in use.

This patch configures the properties and actions of the vnic
allocated by vnic_alloc function from the previous patch.

Signed-off-by: Ajit Khaparde <ajit.khaparde at>
Reviewed-by: David Christensen <david.christensen at>
Signed-off-by: Stephen Hurd <stephen.hurd at>
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c           |  34 ++++++++
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h           |   3 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
index 02fb0c4..be4020f 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
@@ -510,6 +510,40 @@ int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_alloc(struct bnxt *bp, struct 
bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
        return rc;

+int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_cfg(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
+       int rc = 0;
+       struct hwrm_vnic_cfg_input req = {.req_type = 0 };
+       struct hwrm_vnic_cfg_output *resp = bp->hwrm_cmd_resp_addr;
+       HWRM_PREP(req, VNIC_CFG, -1, resp);
+       /* Only RSS support for now TBD: COS & LB */
+       req.enables =
+           rte_cpu_to_le_32(HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_DFLT_RING_GRP |
+                            HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_RSS_RULE |
+                            HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_MRU);
+       req.vnic_id = rte_cpu_to_le_16(vnic->fw_vnic_id);
+       req.dflt_ring_grp =
+               rte_cpu_to_le_16(bp->grp_info[vnic->start_grp_id].fw_grp_id);
+       req.rss_rule = rte_cpu_to_le_16(vnic->fw_rss_cos_lb_ctx);
+       req.cos_rule = rte_cpu_to_le_16(0xffff);
+       req.lb_rule = rte_cpu_to_le_16(0xffff);
+       req.mru = rte_cpu_to_le_16(bp->eth_dev->data->mtu + ETHER_HDR_LEN +
+                                  ETHER_CRC_LEN + VLAN_TAG_SIZE);
+       if (vnic->func_default)
+               req.flags = 1;
+       if (vnic->vlan_strip)
+               req.flags |=
+                   rte_cpu_to_le_32(HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_VLAN_STRIP_MODE);
+       rc = bnxt_hwrm_send_message(bp, &req, sizeof(req));
+       return rc;
 int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_free(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
        int rc = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h
index 887ad2d..b5cf090 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h
@@ -59,8 +59,9 @@ int bnxt_hwrm_stat_clear(struct bnxt *bp, struct 
bnxt_cp_ring_info *cpr);

 int bnxt_hwrm_ver_get(struct bnxt *bp);

-int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_free(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
 int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_alloc(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
+int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_cfg(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
+int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_free(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);

 int bnxt_clear_all_hwrm_stat_ctxs(struct bnxt *bp);
 void bnxt_free_hwrm_resources(struct bnxt *bp);
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h 
index 0771897..ef0b37a 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/hsi_struct_def_dpdk.h
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ struct ctx_hw_stats64 {
 #define HWRM_QUEUE_QPORTCFG            (UINT32_C(0x30))
 #define HWRM_VNIC_ALLOC                        (UINT32_C(0x40))
 #define HWRM_VNIC_FREE                 (UINT32_C(0x41))
+#define HWRM_VNIC_CFG                  (UINT32_C(0x42))
 #define HWRM_CFA_L2_FILTER_ALLOC       (UINT32_C(0x90))
 #define HWRM_CFA_L2_FILTER_FREE                (UINT32_C(0x91))
 #define HWRM_CFA_L2_FILTER_CFG         (UINT32_C(0x92))
@@ -3219,6 +3220,160 @@ struct hwrm_vnic_alloc_output {
        uint8_t valid;
 } __attribute__((packed));

+/* hwrm_vnic_cfg */
+/* Description: Configure the RX VNIC structure. */
+/* Input (40 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_vnic_cfg_input {
+       /*
+        * This value indicates what type of request this is. The format for the
+        * rest of the command is determined by this field.
+        */
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /*
+        * This value indicates the what completion ring the request will be
+        * optionally completed on. If the value is -1, then no CR completion
+        * will be generated. Any other value must be a valid CR ring_id value
+        * for this function.
+        */
+       uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+       /* This value indicates the command sequence number. */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /*
+        * Target ID of this command. 0x0 - 0xFFF8 - Used for function ids
+        * 0xFFF8 - 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors 0xFFFF - HWRM
+        */
+       uint16_t target_id;
+       /*
+        * This is the host address where the response will be written when the
+        * request is complete. This area must be 16B aligned and must be
+        * cleared to zero before the request is made.
+        */
+       uint64_t resp_addr;
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC is requested to be the default VNIC
+        * for the function.
+        */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_DEFAULT               UINT32_C(0x1)
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC is being configured to strip VLAN in
+        * the RX path. If set to '0', then VLAN stripping is disabled on this
+        * VNIC.
+        */
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC is being configured to buffer receive
+        * packets in the hardware until the host posts new receive buffers. If
+        * set to '0', then bd_stall is being configured to be disabled on this
+        * VNIC.
+        */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_FLAGS_BD_STALL_MODE         UINT32_C(0x4)
+       /*
+        * When this bit is '1', the VNIC is being configured to receive both
+        * RoCE and non-RoCE traffic. If set to '0', then this VNIC is not
+        * configured to be operating in dual VNIC mode.
+        */
+       /*
+        * When this flag is set to '1', the VNIC is requested to be configured
+        * to receive only RoCE traffic. If this flag is set to '0', then this
+        * flag shall be ignored by the HWRM. If roce_dual_vnic_mode flag is set
+        * to '1', then the HWRM client shall not set this flag to '1'.
+        */
+       uint32_t flags;
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the dflt_ring_grp field to be configured. */
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the rss_rule field to be configured. */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_RSS_RULE            UINT32_C(0x2)
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the cos_rule field to be configured. */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_COS_RULE            UINT32_C(0x4)
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the lb_rule field to be configured. */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_LB_RULE             UINT32_C(0x8)
+       /* This bit must be '1' for the mru field to be configured. */
+       #define HWRM_VNIC_CFG_INPUT_ENABLES_MRU                 UINT32_C(0x10)
+       uint32_t enables;
+       /* Logical vnic ID */
+       uint16_t vnic_id;
+       /*
+        * Default Completion ring for the VNIC. This ring will be chosen if
+        * packet does not match any RSS rules and if there is no COS rule.
+        */
+       uint16_t dflt_ring_grp;
+       /*
+        * RSS ID for RSS rule/table structure. 0xFF... (All Fs) if there is no
+        * RSS rule.
+        */
+       uint16_t rss_rule;
+       /*
+        * RSS ID for COS rule/table structure. 0xFF... (All Fs) if there is no
+        * COS rule.
+        */
+       uint16_t cos_rule;
+       /*
+        * RSS ID for load balancing rule/table structure. 0xFF... (All Fs) if
+        * there is no LB rule.
+        */
+       uint16_t lb_rule;
+       /*
+        * The maximum receive unit of the vnic. Each vnic is associated with a
+        * function. The vnic mru value overwrites the mru setting of the
+        * associated function. The HWRM shall make sure that vnic mru does not
+        * exceed the mru of the port the function is associated with.
+        */
+       uint16_t mru;
+       uint32_t unused_0;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* Output (16 bytes) */
+struct hwrm_vnic_cfg_output {
+       /*
+        * Pass/Fail or error type Note: receiver to verify the in parameters,
+        * and fail the call with an error when appropriate
+        */
+       uint16_t error_code;
+       /* This field returns the type of original request. */
+       uint16_t req_type;
+       /* This field provides original sequence number of the command. */
+       uint16_t seq_id;
+       /*
+        * This field is the length of the response in bytes. The last byte of
+        * the response is a valid flag that will read as '1' when the command
+        * has been completely written to memory.
+        */
+       uint16_t resp_len;
+       uint32_t unused_0;
+       uint8_t unused_1;
+       uint8_t unused_2;
+       uint8_t unused_3;
+       /*
+        * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output is
+        * completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1' to
+        * indicate that the output has been completely written. When writing a
+        * command completion or response to an internal processor, the order of
+        * writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+        */
+       uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
 /* hwrm_vnic_free */
  * Description: Free a VNIC resource. Idle any resources associated with the

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