> LTS Version
> ------------
> The proposed initial LTS version will be DPDK 16.07. The next versions, based
> on a 2 year cycle, will be DPDK 18.08, 20.08, etc.


I can see 16.07's release due date is 18th July. Is it possible to know
the timeline for RC versions of dpdk-16.07 ? This might be helpful for
SUSE to decide the supported product(SLE12 SP*/Leap) for dpdk-lts.

SUSE Linux GmbH, GF: Felix Imend?rffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton HRB
21284 (AG N?rnberg) Maxfeldstr. 5
D-90409 N?rnberg / Phone: +49-911-740 18-4

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