Hi everyone, I found a snippet <https://github.com/snabbco/snabb/blob/master/src/apps/intel/intel10g.lua#L983> of code from a userspace driver that lets you configure weights for the hardware NIC tx queues by configuring the RTTDT1C register in Intel 82599. It looks like this is typically used for rate limiting VM traffic, with the NIC in VMDQ mode. I was wondering whether I can do this without setting up the NIC in VMDQ or DCB mode?
I am directly enqueuing CustomProto/UDP/IP/Ethernet packets from a single process (two threads) on to specific hardware queues (without an intermediate DPDK QOS/ Hierarchical Scheduler layer) and updating the hardware queue rates, so the priority/ hardware rate limiting are the only features I need (not VMDQ, DCB). Can I go about just changing the weights as in the code above with VMDQ and DCB turned off? Some initial experiments I did suggest that setting just the RTTDT1C register for queues doesn't make any difference to the relative throughput of the queues.. Thanks, Lavanya