Some tests can fail to run because they are not compiled.
It has been more visible recently when the PCI test became disabled
in the default configuration because of dependency on libarchive:
    PCI autotest:    Fail [Not found]

The autotest script catch them and do not count them as an error anymore:
    PCI autotest:    Skipped [Not Available]

The commands dump_ring and dump_mempool are removed from the autotest list
because they are some internal commands but not some registered tests.
Thus they cannot be parsed as available test commands.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <thomas.monjalon at>
 app/test/   | 12 ------------
 app/test/ | 12 ++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/test/ b/app/test/
index 1e6b422..c69705e 100644
--- a/app/test/
+++ b/app/test/
@@ -99,18 +99,6 @@ parallel_test_group_list = [
                 "Func" :       default_autotest,
                 "Report" :     None,
-               {
-                "Name" :       "Dump rings",
-                "Command" :    "dump_ring",
-                "Func" :       dump_autotest,
-                "Report" :     None,
-               },
-               {
-                "Name" :       "Dump mempools",
-                "Command" :    "dump_mempool",
-                "Func" :       dump_autotest,
-                "Report" :     None,
-               },
diff --git a/app/test/ b/app/test/
index 291a821..bd99e19 100644
--- a/app/test/
+++ b/app/test/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@

 # The main logic behind running autotests in parallel

-import multiprocessing, sys, pexpect, time, os, StringIO, csv
+import multiprocessing, subprocess, sys, pexpect, re, time, os, StringIO, csv

 # wait for prompt
 def wait_prompt(child):
@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@ def run_test_group(cmdline, test_group):
        results.append((0, "Success", "Start %s" % test_group["Prefix"],
                time.time() - start_time, startuplog.getvalue(), None))

+       # parse the binary for available test commands
+       binary = cmdline.split()[0]
+       symbols = subprocess.check_output(['nm', binary]).decode('utf-8')
+       avail_cmds = re.findall('test_register_(\w+)', symbols)
        # run all tests in test group
        for test in test_group["Tests"]:

@@ -124,7 +129,10 @@ def run_test_group(cmdline, test_group):
                        print >>logfile, "\n%s %s\n" % ("-"*20, test["Name"])

                        # run test function associated with the test
-                       result = test["Func"](child, test["Command"])
+                       if test["Command"] in avail_cmds:
+                               result = test["Func"](child, test["Command"])
+                       else:
+                               result = (0, "Skipped [Not Available]")

                        # make a note when the test was finished
                        end_time = time.time()

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