Hi Adrien,
I have some questions, please see inline, thanks.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrien Mazarguil [mailto:adrien.mazarguil at 6wind.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 2:17 AM
> To: dev at dpdk.org
> Cc: Thomas Monjalon; Zhang, Helin; Wu, Jingjing; Rasesh Mody; Ajit Khaparde;
> Rahul Lakkireddy; Lu, Wenzhuo; Jan Medala; John Daley; Chen, Jing D; Ananyev,
> Konstantin; Matej Vido; Alejandro Lucero; Sony Chacko; Jerin Jacob; De Lara
> Guarch, Pablo; Olga Shern
> Subject: [RFC] Generic flow director/filtering/classification API
> Requirements for a new API:
> - Flexible and extensible without causing API/ABI problems for existing
>   applications.
> - Should be unambiguous and easy to use.
> - Support existing filtering features and actions listed in `Filter types`_.
> - Support packet alteration.
> - In case of overlapping filters, their priority should be well documented.
Does that mean we don't guarantee the consistent of priority? The priority can 
be different on different NICs. So the behavior of the actions  can be 
different. Right?
Seems the users still need to aware the some details of the HW? Do we need to 
add the negotiation for the priority?

> Flow rules can have several distinct actions (such as counting,
> encapsulating, decapsulating before redirecting packets to a particular
> queue, etc.), instead of relying on several rules to achieve this and having
> applications deal with hardware implementation details regarding their
> order.
I think normally HW doesn't support several actions in one rule. If a rule has 
several actions, seems HW has to split it to several rules. The order can still 
be a problem.

> ``ETH``
> ^^^^^^^
> Matches an Ethernet header.
> - ``dst``: destination MAC.
> - ``src``: source MAC.
> - ``type``: EtherType.
> - ``tags``: number of 802.1Q/ad tags defined.
> - ``tag[]``: 802.1Q/ad tag definitions, innermost first. For each one:
>  - ``tpid``: Tag protocol identifier.
>  - ``tci``: Tag control information.
"ETH" means all the parameters, dst, src, type... need to be matched? The same 
question for IPv4, IPv6 ...

> ``UDP``
> ^^^^^^^
> Matches a UDP header.
> - ``sport``: source port.
> - ``dport``: destination port.
> - ``length``: UDP length.
> - ``checksum``: UDP checksum.
Why checksum? Do we need to filter the packets by checksum value?

> ``VOID`` (action)
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Used as a placeholder for convenience. It is ignored and simply discarded by
> PMDs.
Don't understand why we need VOID. If it?s about the format. Why not guarantee 
it in rte layer?

> Behavior
> --------
> - API operations are synchronous and blocking (``EAGAIN`` cannot be
>   returned).
> - There is no provision for reentrancy/multi-thread safety, although nothing
>   should prevent different devices from being configured at the same
>   time. PMDs may protect their control path functions accordingly.
> - Stopping the data path (TX/RX) should not be necessary when managing flow
>   rules. If this cannot be achieved naturally or with workarounds (such as
>   temporarily replacing the burst function pointers), an appropriate error
>   code must be returned (``EBUSY``).
PMD cannot stop the data path without adding lock. So I think if some rules 
cannot be applied without stopping rx/tx, PMD has to return fail.
Or let the APP to stop the data path.

> - PMDs, not applications, are responsible for maintaining flow rules
>   configuration when stopping and restarting a port or performing other
>   actions which may affect them. They can only be destroyed explicitly.
Don?t understand " They can only be destroyed explicitly." If a new rule has 
conflict with an old one, what should we do? Return fail?

> ``ANY`` pattern item
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This pattern item stands for anything, which can be difficult to translate
> to something hardware would understand, particularly if followed by more
> specific types.
> Consider the following pattern:
> +---+--------------------------------+
> | 0 | ETHER                          |
> +---+--------------------------------+
> | 1 | ANY (``min`` = 1, ``max`` = 1) |
> +---+--------------------------------+
> | 2 | TCP                            |
> +---+--------------------------------+
> Knowing that TCP does not make sense with something other than IPv4 and IPv6
> as L3, such a pattern may be translated to two flow rules instead:
> +---+--------------------+
> | 0 | ETHER              |
> +---+--------------------+
> | 1 | IPV4 (zeroed mask) |
> +---+--------------------+
> | 2 | TCP                |
> +---+--------------------+
> +---+--------------------+
> | 0 | ETHER              |
> +---+--------------------+
> | 1 | IPV6 (zeroed mask) |
> +---+--------------------+
> | 2 | TCP                |
> +---+--------------------+
> Note that as soon as a ANY rule covers several layers, this approach may
> yield a large number of hidden flow rules. It is thus suggested to only
> support the most common scenarios (anything as L2 and/or L3).
I think "any" may make things confusing.  How about if the NIC doesn't support 
IPv6? Should we return fail for this rule?

> Flow rules priority
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> While it would naturally make sense, flow rules cannot be assumed to be
> processed by hardware in the same order as their creation for several
> reasons:
> - They may be managed internally as a tree or a hash table instead of a
>   list.
> - Removing a flow rule before adding another one can either put the new rule
>   at the end of the list or reuse a freed entry.
> - Duplication may occur when packets are matched by several rules.
> For overlapping rules (particularly in order to use the `PASSTHRU`_ action)
> predictable behavior is only guaranteed by using different priority levels.
> Priority levels are not necessarily implemented in hardware, or may be
> severely limited (e.g. a single priority bit).
> For these reasons, priority levels may be implemented purely in software by
> PMDs.
> - For devices expecting flow rules to be added in the correct order, PMDs
>   may destroy and re-create existing rules after adding a new one with
>   a higher priority.
> - A configurable number of dummy or empty rules can be created at
>   initialization time to save high priority slots for later.
> - In order to save priority levels, PMDs may evaluate whether rules are
>   likely to collide and adjust their priority accordingly.
If there's 3 rules, r1, r2,r3. The rules say the priority is r1 > r2 > r3. If 
PMD can only support r1 > r3 > r2, or doesn't support r2. Should PMD apply r1 
and r3 or totally not support them all?

A generic question, is the parsing supposed to be done by rte or PMD?

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