Hi All,

* @param r
*   A pointer to the ring structure.
* @param obj_table
*   A pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects) that will be filled.
* @param n
*   The number of objects to dequeue from the ring to the obj_table.

By looking at the code I understood that, if the ring has less than "n" 
objects,  rte_ring_dequeue_bulk()  readjusts the value "n" returns what ever is 
I have a requirement where I need to know  the new value of "n" , if the api 
has returned less than what was requested.

One way is to memset the "objects" and check for the non-zero values. I kind 
of, did not like this idea. Any better idea to get "n" ?

1.      rte_ring_dequeue_bulk(my-ring,  (void**) pkts, n)  -- n is set to 32.

2.      If the ring has less than 32 pkts, say 20, my understanding is that it 
returns 20 "pkt" ptrs.

3.      How do I get the number "20" ?

Hope my question was clear.


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