Update the 'High Performance of Small Packets on 40G NIC' section of the
GSG as the firmware version referenced for a NIC using the i40e driver was
firmware version 4.2.5 which is no longer validated. Instruct users to
consult release notes for current validated firmware versions.

Signed-off-by: Ian Stokes <ian.stokes at intel.com>

v1 -> v2
Specificy GSG in commit subject line.
Sepcify section in GSG that is updated in commit body.
Remove references to FVL in GSG, replace with 'NIC using i40e driver'.
 doc/guides/linux_gsg/enable_func.rst |    3 +--
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/linux_gsg/enable_func.rst 
index ec0e04d..6005932 100644
--- a/doc/guides/linux_gsg/enable_func.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/linux_gsg/enable_func.rst
@@ -183,8 +183,7 @@ High Performance of Small Packets on 40G NIC
 As there might be firmware fixes for performance enhancement in latest version
 of firmware image, the firmware update might be needed for getting high 
 Check with the local Intel's Network Division application engineers for 
firmware updates.
-The base driver to support firmware version of FVL3E will be integrated in the 
-DPDK release, so currently the validated firmware version is 4.2.6.
+Users should consult the release notes specific to a DPDK release to identify 
the validated firmware version for a NIC using the i40e driver.

 Use 16 Bytes RX Descriptor Size

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