Comments inline


On 27/01/2016 16:24, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
 > This kernel module is based on KNI module, but this one is stripped
 > version of it and only for control messages, no data transfer
 > functionality provided.
 > This Linux kernel module helps userspace application create virtual
 > interfaces and when a control command issued into that virtual
 > interface, module pushes the command to the userspace and gets the
 > response back for the caller application.
 > Signed-off-by: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yigit at>
 > ---

 > +    net_dev = alloc_netdev(sizeof(struct kcp_dev), name,
 > +                                                    NET_NAME_UNKNOWN,
 > +#endif
 > +                                                    kcp_net_init);

Something doesn't feel quite right here. In cases where NET_NAME_UNKNOWN 
is undefined, is the signature for alloc_netdev different?

 > +MODULE_AUTHOR("Intel Corporation");
 > +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Kernel Module for managing kcp devices");

I'm not up to speed on this area, but some of the file headers only 
mention GPL/LGPL. This correct?

 > +    nlmsg_unicast(nl_sock, skb, pid);
 > +    KCP_DBG("Sent cmd:%d port:%d\n", cmd_id, port_id);
 > +
 > +    /*nlmsg_free(skb);*/
 > +
 > +    return 0;
 > +}

Oops.. :)
Possible memory leak, or is *skb statically allocated?

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