+ Harry

2016-01-22 14:40, David Harton:
> Hi Maryam,
> I'm not dictating they be re-added (although adding would be nice) but more 
> important I'm trying to express an application view point rather than a 
> driver view point.  
> I completely understand how a driver wants to be able to advertise all the 
> stats they want to advertise to help them debug their issues (i.e. xstats).   
> Yet, I'm very interested in DPDK providing a driver agnostic method of 
> advertising well-defined stats.

xstats are driver agnostic and have a well-defined naming scheme.

> For example, what if there was a kind of "stats registry" composed of ID and 
> name.  It would work similar to xtats except instead of advertising strings 
> only the "get" API would return ID/count pairs.  If the application wishes to 
> use the DPDK provided string they can call another API to get the stat string 
> via the ID.  These IDs would be well-defined clearly explaining what the 
> count represent.  This way the strings for counts will be uniform across 
> drivers and also make it clear to the users what the counts truly represent 
> and the application could obtain stats from any driver in a driver agnostic 
> manner.

I don't understand how adding another indirection (an ID matching a string)
would help?
I have the feeling you want a list of possible statistics, right?

PS: please avoid top posting

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