On 1/21/16, 1:00 PM, "Matthew Hall" <mhall at mhcomputing.net> wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 03:05:38PM +0000, Wiles, Keith wrote:
>> Forgot to answer this one. Pktgen does not allow the user to define the 
>> content of the packet per say only the fill pattern and what ever you 
>> configure the packet type to be. If you would like to submit a patch for 
>> adding user specific content it has always been a goal of my to add that 
>> feature.
>I am happy to work to make the patch, it would help if you could provide some 
>hints where in the code I should look... when I went searching for seqCnt I 
>found a packet-constructor function run in a loop when applying a 
>packet-sequence operation. Is the packet-constructor the right place or should 
>I look somewhere else?

The packet-constructor builds the different types single, range, sequence and 
PCAP packets, before the packets are sent.

What type of data do you want to add to the packets? Now it builds IPv4/UDP/TCP 
packets, do you need to replace UDP or TCP or just add more protocol layers?


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