On 1/15/2016 4:10 PM, Pavel Fedin wrote:
>  Hello!
>> If this is the case, i am wondering whether we should include
>> "malfunctioning clients" in commit message. It triggers me to think if
>> there are existing buggy implementations.
>  Well... Can you suggest how to rephrase it? May be "if a client is 
> malfunctioning it can..."? I lack fantasy, really, and to tell
> the truth i don't care that much about the exact phrasing, i'm OK with 
> everything.
Because there are not any existing malfunctioning clients which doesn't
send SET_MEM_TABLE message and we think the check is OK anyway,
personally I prefer simple phrases like: check memory table in

>> Anyway, check is OK.
> Kind regards,
> Pavel Fedin
> Senior Engineer
> Samsung Electronics Research center Russia

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