Hello Helin,

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 4:53 PM, Zhang, Helin <helin.zhang at intel.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your huge contribution!
> May you help to describe more details of why you made these huge changes?

As far as I can see, the only reason why we have a centralised header
maintained in eal with all pci device ids is the need to identify pci
devices that require a special treatment before starting a dpdk application
(here, bind those pci devices to igb_uio / vfio).

This patchset splits this header into small pieces maintained by the drivers
themselves, then tries to come up with a way to retrieve those pci device ids
from the final dpdk application and from the drivers compiled as shared

With this, supported pci device ids are maintained by the drivers themselves
rather than eal, pci devices ids requiring uio/vfio binding are still available.

David Marchand

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