On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 14:07:35 -0800
Matthew Hall <mhall at mhcomputing.net> wrote:

> On 1/3/16 9:09 AM, Wiles, Keith wrote:
> > Pktgen is setup for tabs for 4 (with replace tabs with spaces), using tab 
> > stop of 8 is just wrong IMO :-)
> > Just started using kdevelop instead of eclipse, so I may have corrupted the 
> > style some :-(
> The problem I found was a number of files had an incompatible 
> combination of the two formats.
> Personally, I agree tab size 4 w/ spaces instead of tabs is easiest to 
> read and edit. But I could live with any space based system for the most 
> part. I find tab based systems are unpleasant because it is difficult 
> when tabs are used for one thing and spaces for another thing. This 
> annoyance also applies to DPDK and the kernel but it's too late for both 
> of those.
> > At least it is suppose to be done that way. I will reformat the code (with 
> > tabs=4) and have a look at the output.
> Thanks this will be a big help.
> > I can run the astyle on the code and look at the output, if it looks OK I 
> > will submit it to the repo
> Sounds great... it is no big hurry on my end but I want to start with a 
> clean slate before I get invested in the code, and start really hitting 
> it hard, and making patches.
> The formatting command I provided is not perfect, but it was the best I 
> could do with the various popular indenter tools to try to avoid messing 
> up too much of the rest of the good code in the files in the process of 
> fixing the format.
> You might be able to improve it a bit further w/ some additional 
> experimentation since you are the original maintainer of the code 
> obviously. Or perhaps reformat using tools in Eclipse or KDevelop? I had 
> good luck w/ Eclipse before with special configuration but I only mostly 
> used the Java mode not the C / C++ one which is less good.
> Matthew.

Since DPDK mostly follows kernel style, why should this program be different?

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