Hi Bernard, > Does making rte_pmd_af_packet_devinit local result in an ABI breakage? If someone uses it in their app, they'll be forced to change it. However, as this function is not intentionally public and there is API to create devices that finally calls rte_pmd_af_packet_devinit(), I'm not sure if any special caution is needed here.
> Should the DPDK_2.0 structure be kept and a DPDK_2.3 structure added? Should it be just `DPDK_2.3 { local: *} DPDK_2.0`? Doesn't inheritance of DPDK_2.0 make the symbol also global in 2.3? > A deprecation notice may need to be added to the > doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst file. As far as I understand, deprecation.rst is used to announce something will be removed in the future release. Changes already done should be moved from deprecation.rst to the release's .rst file. At least, this is what I see in commit logs. If this change should be announced in deprecation.rst, does this mean there should be another patch in the future (after 2.3 release?) making this function static? And that future patch will add DPDK_2.3 structure in the map file? Thank you for your time, Wojtek