2016-02-22 17:18, Mcnamara, John: > > Known Issues > > ------------ > > > > +* **FM10K: Statistics Polling Frequency** > > + > > + A section has been added to the NIC guide for fm10k about the maximum > > + time between reading statistics and 32 bit packet counter overflows. > > Hi Thomas, > > We should probably call this section "New Known Issues" and then copy them to > the legacy "Known Issues" doc after 1 release. > > http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_2_2.html#known-issues > http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/rel_notes/known_issues.html > > Or any other suggestion?
Yes it is an option. Or we can simply maintain known issues in one place and remove the per-release section.