>On 02/12/2016 04:38 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
>> OK, I'm going to sum it up with new words and let the conclusion comes
>> from Keith, Panu and Olivier.
>> We agreed to allow ABI breaking if a notification was done in the
>> previous release.
>> Keith has sent a notification for 16.04 so the "official" ABI will be
>> changed in 16.07.
>> It is also encouraged to show how the ABI will be broken when sending
>> a notification. It allows to give an informed opinion before ack'ing.
>> The code snippet will also be useful to app developpers when preparing
>> a future upgrade.
>> Keith has sent the whole code change.
>> This code change may be submitted in the current release without waiting
>> the deprecation time if gated in the NEXT_ABI ifdefs.
>> It allows to provide the feature to app developpers who don't care about
>> versioning. But the price is a more complicated code to read and manage.
>> To make it short, the rules to use NEXT_ABI are not strict and may change.
>> So now you have to decide if this change can be integrated in 16.04
>> as NEXT_ABI.
>Thank you Thomas for this summary. Then my vote would be in favor of
>only keep the deprecation notice for 16.04 and push the code without
>the NEXT_ABI ifdefs for 16.07 because:
>- although it's a valuable patch, there is no urgency in having if for
>  the next release
>- NEXT_ABI does make the code harder to read in this case, and I'm
>  thinking about the patchset from David Hunt (external mempool handler)
>  that will be in the same situation, and maybe also another patchset
>  I'm working on.

As I stated in my previous email, I can submit v4 patch. Do you need two 
patches one for the notice in 16.04 and then one for 16.07?


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