On 02/10/2016 08:02 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 2016-02-10 18:01, Wiles, Keith:
>>>>> --- a/config/defconfig_x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
>>>>> +++ b/config/defconfig_x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
>>>>> @@ -40,3 +40,8 @@ CONFIG_RTE_ARCH_64=y
>>> Hmm, not sure where this came from, but will remove it.
>> I think this was from the ABI-Checker I ran and the tool should leave the 
>> repo in its original state.
> Yes you're right. The ABI checker modify the defconfig instead of modifying
> the generated .config file.

Its "by design" according to Neil (this was discussed when the abi 
checker was introduced, see 

I actually agree with Neil that changing .config after make config seems 
counter-intuitive compared to how this works in other projects, but that 
doesn't make modifying the default templates the right thing to do in DPDK.

> Anyone for a patch?

I can add it to my TODO among a couple of other things - it should not 
leave clutter like this behind no matter what. As to how exactly it 
should be fixed, it could of course just change .config, or 
alternatively create (and later clean up) a temporary defconfig file 
with the necessary contents, which would be closer to the current 
approach I guess.

        - Panu -

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