On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 22:25:46 -0400
souvikdey33 <sodey at sonusnet.com> wrote:

> +    #The path for virtio devices are different. Get the correct path.
> +     virtio = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/" % dev_id
> +    cmd = " ls %s | grep 'virt' " %virtio
> +    virtio = commands.getoutput(cmd)
> +    virtio_sys_path = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/%s/net/" % (dev_id,virtio)
>      if exists(sys_path):
>          device["Interface"] = ",".join(os.listdir(sys_path))

There should be a way to do this in python without going out to shell.
This would be safer and more secure.

The code already uses os.listdir() (which is the python library version
of ls) in later section. Why not use that here to check for virtio bus.

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