Hi, I there a way to permanently bind a nic port when using DPDK drier with kernel < 3.6 ? (In this kernel VFIO driver is not supported)? Thanks, Keren
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with DPD... Montorsi, Francesco
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with... Stephen Hemminger
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with DPD... Panu Matilainen
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with... Montorsi, Francesco
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports ... Panu Matilainen
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with... Aaron Conole
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with DPDK dri... Matthew Hall
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with DPDK dri... Mcnamara, John
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with DPD... Montorsi, Francesco
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with... Panu Matilainen
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with DPDK dri... Keren Hochman
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with DPD... Ferruh Yigit
- [dpdk-dev] Permanently binding NIC ports with... Panu Matilainen