On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 11:35:47AM +0200, Maxime Coquelin wrote:
> >-    virtio_enqueue_offload(m, &virtio_hdr.hdr);
> >-    copy_virtio_net_hdr(dev, desc_addr, virtio_hdr);
> >+    /* handle virtio header */
> >+    virtio_hdr = (struct virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf *)(uintptr_t)desc_addr;
> >+    virtio_enqueue_offload(mbuf, &(virtio_hdr->hdr));
> Parenthesis around virtio_hdr->hdr shouldn't be needed.
> >     vhost_log_write(dev, desc->addr, dev->vhost_hlen);
> >-    PRINT_PACKET(dev, (uintptr_t)desc_addr, dev->vhost_hlen, 0);
> Looks like you remove the PRINT_PACKET calls.
> Does it impact performance?

Yes, it does. But it's only enabled for debug mode. Besides that,
it's just a NOOP.

> In any case, it should be mentionned in the commit message.

Agreed. But for this case, we should not remove it: it breaks the


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