Hello, All. I've faced with a really bad situation with packet drops on a small packet rates (~45 Kpps) while using XL710 NIC with i40e DPDK driver.
The issue was found while testing PHY-VM-PHY scenario with OVS and confirmed on PHY-PHY scenario with testpmd. DPDK version 16.07 was used in all cases. XL710 firmware-version: f5.0.40043 a1.5 n5.04 e2505 Test description (PHY-PHY): * Following cmdline was used: # n_desc=2048 # ./testpmd -c 0xf -n 2 --socket-mem=8192,0 -w 0000:05:00.0 -v \ -- --burst=32 --txd=${n_desc} --rxd=${n_desc} \ --rxq=1 --txq=1 --nb-cores=1 \ --eth-peer=0,a0:00:00:00:00:00 --forward-mode=mac * DPDK-Pktgen application was used as a traffic generator. Single flow generated. Results: * Packet size: 128B, rate: 90% of 10Gbps (~7.5 Mpps): On the generator's side: Total counts: Tx : 759034368 packets Rx : 759033239 packets Lost : 1129 packets Average rates: Tx : 7590344 pps Rx : 7590332 pps Lost : 11 pps All of this dropped packets are RX-dropped on testpmd's side: +++++++++++++++ Accumulated forward statistics for all ports+++++++++++++++ RX-packets: 759033239 RX-dropped: 1129 RX-total: 759034368 TX-packets: 759033239 TX-dropped: 0 TX-total: 759033239 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ At the same time 10G NIC with IXGBE driver works perfectly without any packet drops in the same scenario. Much worse situation with PHY-VM-PHY scenario with OVS: * testpmd application used inside guest to forward incoming packets. (almost same cmdline as for PHY-PHY) * For packet size 256 B on rate 1% of 10Gbps (~45 Kpps): Total counts: Tx : 1358112 packets Rx : 1357990 packets Lost : 122 packets Average rates: Tx : 45270 pps Rx : 45266 pps Lost : 4 pps All of this 122 dropped packets can be found in rx_dropped counter: # ovs-vsctl get interface dpdk0 statistics:rx_dropped 122 And again, no issues with IXGBE on the exactly same scenario. Results of my investigation: * I found that all of this packets are 'imissed'. This means that rx descriptor ring was overflowed. * I've modified i40e driver to check the real number of free descriptors that was not still filled by the NIC and found that HW fills rx descriptors with uneven rate. Looks like it fills them using a huge batches. * So, root cause of packet drops with XL710 is somehow uneven rate of filling of the hw rx descriptors by the NIC. This leads to exhausting of rx descriptors and packet drops by the hardware. 10G IXGBE NIC works more smoothly and driver is able to refill hw ring with rx descriptors in time. * The issue becomes worse with OVS because of much bigger latencies between 'rte_eth_rx_burst()' calls. The easiest solution for this problem is to increase number of RX descriptors. Increasing up to 4096 eliminates packet drops but decreases the performance a lot: For OVS PHY-VM-PHY scenario by 10% For OVS PHY-PHY scenario by 20% For tespmd PHY-PHY scenario by 17% (22.1 Mpps --> 18.2 Mpps for 64B packets) As a result we have a trade-off between zero drop rate on small packet rates and the higher maximum performance that is very sad. Using of 16B descriptors doesn't really help with performance. Upgrading the firmware from version 4.4 to 5.04 didn't help with drops. Any thoughts? Can anyone reproduce this? Best regards, Ilya Maximets.