> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gonzalez Monroy, Sergio
> Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 12:37 AM
> To: Harris, James R; Thomas Monjalon; users at dpdk.org; dev at dpdk.org;
> Richardson, Bruce
> Cc: Verkamp, Daniel
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [dpdk-users] rte_zmalloc() returning non-zeroed
> memory on FreeBSD
> On 15/08/2016 18:23, Harris, James R wrote:
> >


> > The problem is that the FreeBSD contigmem driver does not re-zero the
> huge
> > pages each time they are mmap'd - they are only zeroed when contigmem
> > initially loads.  I will push a patch for this shortly.
> So that is the case where we run the app more than once, right?
> I missed that, I only ran it once.

Correct - it works OK the first time.  The problem only occurs if you run the 
more than once (unless you unload and reload contigmem before running the
app a second time).


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