This patchset enables LPM, ACL and other few missing libs in ppc64le and also
address few patches in related examples (ip_pipeline and l3fwd).

Test report:
1. LPM and ACL unit tests passed.
   compile test app and run (with any needed params)

2. Example ip_pipeline application verified for port forwarding.
   compile examples/ip_pipeline (adjust app_init_core_map
     param for ht to 1 in case of ppc64le in SMT=off mode).
   modify config/l3fwd.cfg as per enabled PMD ports.
   run ip_pipeline with config file option and check packets fwd.

v5 changes:
- no change in lpm lib enablement
- no change in acl lib enablement
- config file changes individually for sched,table,port,pipeline
  lib enablement
- ip_pipeline patch description and changes flagged only for ppc64le.
   app_init_core_map changes removed (due to bug found and under 
   investigation only on ppc64le/smt=off case).

v4 changes:
- fix transition4 in acl_run_altivec.h for gcc strict-aliasing error.
  Thanks to Chao Zhu for bringing up.

v3 changes:
- rebase over master to fix conflict in examples/l3fwd/l3fwd_em.c

v2 changes:
- enabling libs in config included as part of lib changes itself.

Gowrishankar Muthukrishnan (3):
  port: enable port library for ppc64le
  pipeline: enable pipeline library for ppc64le
  ip_pipeline: fix lcore mapping for varying SMT threads as in ppc64

gowrishankar (5):
  lpm: add altivec intrinsics for dpdk lpm on ppc_64
  acl: add altivec intrinsics for dpdk acl on ppc_64
  l3fwd: add altivec support for em_hash_key
  table: enable table library for ppc64le
  sched: enable sched library for ppc64le

 app/test-acl/main.c                                |   4 +
 app/test/test_xmmt_ops.h                           |  16 +
 config/defconfig_ppc_64-power8-linuxapp-gcc        |   7 -
 examples/ip_pipeline/cpu_core_map.c                |   8 +
 examples/l3fwd/l3fwd_em.c                          |  10 +-
 lib/librte_acl/Makefile                            |   2 +
 lib/librte_acl/acl.h                               |   4 +
 lib/librte_acl/acl_run.h                           |   2 +
 lib/librte_acl/acl_run_altivec.c                   |  47 +++
 lib/librte_acl/acl_run_altivec.h                   | 329 +++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/librte_acl/rte_acl.c                           |  13 +
 lib/librte_acl/rte_acl.h                           |   1 +
 .../common/include/arch/ppc_64/rte_vect.h          |  60 ++++
 lib/librte_lpm/Makefile                            |   2 +
 lib/librte_lpm/rte_lpm.h                           |   2 +
 lib/librte_lpm/rte_lpm_altivec.h                   | 154 ++++++++++
 16 files changed, 653 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_acl/acl_run_altivec.c
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_acl/acl_run_altivec.h
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_eal/common/include/arch/ppc_64/rte_vect.h
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_lpm/rte_lpm_altivec.h


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