Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your response.

Let me explain you the issue that we are facing on our virtual router
in VMware environment.

1. We are using ixgbe driver , SRIOV enabled .
    root at localhost:~# lspci
      .... "Intel Corporation 82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function"

2.  "mx86-bgl-1-r1"  is our router under testing and  R2 is a standard router.

      mx86-bgl-1-r1 is connected to R2
      mx86-bgl-1-r1 (>R2(

2. This time ping test passes

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# show interfaces
ge-0/0/0 {
    unit 0 {
        family inet {

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1#
root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# run ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.980 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.433 ms

3.  Default MAC address of interface ge-0/0/0  is as shown below:

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# run show interfaces ge-0/0/0 extensive | grep current
  Current address: 02:06:0a:0e:ff:f0, Hardware address: 02:06:0a:0e:ff:f0

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1#

4.  Now I am changing MAC. Ping works this time also

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# set interfaces ge-0/0/0 mac 02:06:0a:0a:ff:f0

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# commit
commit complete

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# run show interfaces ge-0/0/0 extensive | grep current
  Current address: 02:06:0a:0a:ff:f0, Hardware address: 02:06:0a:0e:ff:f0

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# show interfaces
ge-0/0/0 {
    mac 02:06:0a:0a:ff:f0;
    unit 0 {
        family inet {

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1#
root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# run ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.338 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=8.832 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.292 ms

5.  I am deleting the above configured MAC.
     In this case newly configured MAC as shown above will be deleted
and Default MAC (02:06:0a:0e:ff:f0)
      will be applied.  Ping fails at this step.  "return statement
added by you is not allowing to configure default MAC.

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# delete interfaces ge-0/0/0 mac

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# commit
commit complete

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# show interfaces
ge-0/0/0 {
    unit 0 {
        family inet {


root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# run show interfaces ge-0/0/0 extensive | grep
current     // Displays value from router's local database not from
  Current address: 02:06:0a:0e:ff:f0, Hardware address: 02:06:0a:0e:ff:f0

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# run ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1#

7. LOGs:    (I have added a debug log just before the return statement
that you place)

Log o/p in failure case
Santosh ixgbevf_add_mac_addr returning

code changes:
ixgbevf_add_mac_addr(....)  {
    if (memcmp(hw->mac.perm_addr, mac_addr, sizeof(struct ether_addr)) == 0) {
        PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "Existing MAC \n");
        printf("Santosh %s returning \n",__FUNCTION__);

8.  If I remove the above "return" statement, build the driver, loaded
in router and repeat the steps-2 to steps-5 of MAC add and MAC delete
on our router then ping passes.

root at mx86-bgl-1-r1# run ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=2.356 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.415 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.226 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.226/1.666/2.356/0.494 ms

9.  Please let me know whether is it  fine to remove that return
statement added by you in  "ixgbevf_add_mac_addr"  ?

Thanks & Regards,

On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 3:31 AM, Ivan Boule <ivan.boule at 6wind.com> wrote:
> Hi Santosh,
> I do not get exactly what you attempt to do on a VF.
> Are you first deleting the so-called permanent MAC address by a call to the
> function ixgbevf_remove_mac_addr() ? This operation is not allowed.
> Can you explain exactly the sequence of operations that are done, so that I
> can understand how the test (memcmp(hw->mac.perm_addr, mac_addr,
> sizeof(struct ether_addr)) == 0) in the function ixgbevf_add_mac_addr()
> prevents them to be successfully performed.
> Ivan
> PS : please, can you CC your emails to dev at dpdk.org
> 2016-04-19 17:01 GMT+02:00 santosh <santosh.iitg at gmail.com>:
>> Hi Ivan,
>> Your following code changes causing issue in Vmware environment.
>> ----------------------------------- -------------------
>> ------------------------------
>> + /*
>> + * On a 82599 VF, adding again the same MAC addr is not an idempotent
>> + * operation. Trap this case to avoid exhausting the [very limited]
>> + * set of PF resources used to store VF MAC addresses.
>> + */
>> + if (memcmp(hw->mac.perm_addr, mac_addr, sizeof(struct ether_addr)) == 0)
>> + return;
>>   diag = ixgbevf_set_uc_addr_vf(hw, 2, mac_addr->addr_bytes);
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------- -------
>> Issue:
>> At CLI , we have provision to add /del MAC of an interface.
>> During MAC delete, existing MAC is deleted and default MAC is applied.
>> This default MAC is not being applied in VMware environment
>> successfully due to "return" statement
>> in your above code changes. As a result traffic is stopped completely.
>> If I remove above
>> "return" statement then traffic continues to flow after MAC delete.
>> Please let me know your suggestion to handle this scenario .  If I
>> remove "return" what will be the consequences ?
>> If removing "return" statement is not good idea then what are other
>> way to handle MAC delete scenario ?  we have only 1 VF per PF in our
>> setup as of now.
>> Thanks
>> Santosh
> --
> Ivan BOULE
> Software Engineer
> Tel: +33 1 39 30 92 47
> Mob: + 33 6 77 25 26 38
> Fax: +33 1 39 30 92 11
> ivan.boule at 6wind.com
> www.6wind.com
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> www.multicorepacketprocessing.com
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