Rework the mempool test to better indicate where it failed,
and, now that this feature is available, add the freeing of the
mempool after the test is done.
Signed-off-by: Olivier Matz <olivier.matz at>
 app/test/test_mempool.c | 232 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/test/test_mempool.c b/app/test/test_mempool.c
index e0d5c61..c96ed27 100644
--- a/app/test/test_mempool.c
+++ b/app/test/test_mempool.c
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@
 #define MAX_KEEP 128
 #define MEMPOOL_SIZE 

-static struct rte_mempool *mp;
-static struct rte_mempool *mp_cache, *mp_nocache;
+#define RET_ERR() do {                                                 \
+               printf("test failed at %s():%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); \
+               return -1;                                              \
+       } while(0)

 static rte_atomic32_t synchro;

  * save the object number in the first 4 bytes of object data. All
  * other bytes are set to 0.
@@ -93,13 +93,14 @@ my_obj_init(struct rte_mempool *mp, __attribute__((unused)) 
void *arg,
            void *obj, unsigned i)
        uint32_t *objnum = obj;
        memset(obj, 0, mp->elt_size);
        *objnum = i;

 /* basic tests (done on one core) */
 static int
+test_mempool_basic(struct rte_mempool *mp)
        uint32_t *objnum;
        void **objtable;
@@ -113,23 +114,23 @@ test_mempool_basic(void)

        printf("get an object\n");
        if (rte_mempool_get(mp, &obj) < 0)
-               return -1;
+               RET_ERR();
        rte_mempool_dump(stdout, mp);

        /* tests that improve coverage */
        printf("get object count\n");
        if (rte_mempool_count(mp) != MEMPOOL_SIZE - 1)
-               return -1;
+               RET_ERR();

        printf("get private data\n");
        if (rte_mempool_get_priv(mp) != (char *)mp +
                        MEMPOOL_HEADER_SIZE(mp, mp->cache_size))
-               return -1;
+               RET_ERR();

 #ifndef RTE_EXEC_ENV_BSDAPP /* rte_mem_virt2phy() not supported on bsd */
        printf("get physical address of an object\n");
        if (rte_mempool_virt2phy(mp, obj) != rte_mem_virt2phy(obj))
-               return -1;
+               RET_ERR();

        printf("put the object back\n");
@@ -138,10 +139,10 @@ test_mempool_basic(void)

        printf("get 2 objects\n");
        if (rte_mempool_get(mp, &obj) < 0)
-               return -1;
+               RET_ERR();
        if (rte_mempool_get(mp, &obj2) < 0) {
                rte_mempool_put(mp, obj);
-               return -1;
+               RET_ERR();
        rte_mempool_dump(stdout, mp);

@@ -155,11 +156,10 @@ test_mempool_basic(void)
         * on other cores may not be empty.
        objtable = malloc(MEMPOOL_SIZE * sizeof(void *));
-       if (objtable == NULL) {
-               return -1;
-       }
+       if (objtable == NULL)
+               RET_ERR();

-       for (i=0; i<MEMPOOL_SIZE; i++) {
+       for (i = 0; i < MEMPOOL_SIZE; i++) {
                if (rte_mempool_get(mp, &objtable[i]) < 0)
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ test_mempool_basic(void)
                obj_data = obj;
                objnum = obj;
                if (*objnum > MEMPOOL_SIZE) {
-                       printf("bad object number\n");
+                       printf("bad object number(%d)\n", *objnum);
                        ret = -1;
-               for (j=sizeof(*objnum); j<mp->elt_size; j++) {
+               for (j = sizeof(*objnum); j < mp->elt_size; j++) {
                        if (obj_data[j] != 0)
                                ret = -1;
@@ -196,14 +196,17 @@ static int 
        struct rte_mempool *mp_cov;

-       mp_cov = 
-                                             MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE,
-                                             RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE + 32, 
-                                             NULL, NULL,
-                                             my_obj_init, NULL,
-                                             SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
-       if(NULL != mp_cov) {
-               return -1;
+       mp_cov = rte_mempool_create("test_mempool_cache_too_big",
+               MEMPOOL_SIZE,
+               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE,
+               RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE + 32, 0,
+               NULL, NULL,
+               my_obj_init, NULL,
+               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
+       if (mp_cov != NULL) {
+               rte_mempool_free(mp_cov);
+               RET_ERR();

        return 0;
@@ -241,8 +244,8 @@ static int test_mempool_single_producer(void)
                if (rte_mempool_from_obj(obj) != mp_spsc) {
-                       printf("test_mempool_single_producer there is an obj 
not owned by this mempool\n");
-                       return -1;
+                       printf("obj not owned by this mempool\n");
+                       RET_ERR();
                rte_mempool_sp_put(mp_spsc, obj);
@@ -288,7 +291,8 @@ static int test_mempool_single_consumer(void)

- * test function for mempool test based on singple consumer and single 
producer, can run on one lcore only
+ * test function for mempool test based on singple consumer and single 
+ * can run on one lcore only
 static int test_mempool_launch_single_consumer(__attribute__((unused)) void 
@@ -313,33 +317,41 @@ test_mempool_sp_sc(void)
        unsigned lcore_next;

        /* create a mempool with single producer/consumer ring */
-       if (NULL == mp_spsc) {
+       if (mp_spsc == NULL) {
                mp_spsc = rte_mempool_create("test_mempool_sp_sc", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
-                                               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE, 0, 0,
-                                               my_mp_init, NULL,
-                                               my_obj_init, NULL,
-                                               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 
-               if (NULL == mp_spsc) {
-                       return -1;
-               }
+                       MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE, 0, 0,
+                       my_mp_init, NULL,
+                       my_obj_init, NULL,
+                       SOCKET_ID_ANY,
+                       MEMPOOL_F_NO_CACHE_ALIGN | MEMPOOL_F_SP_PUT |
+                       MEMPOOL_F_SC_GET);
+               if (mp_spsc == NULL)
+                       RET_ERR();
        if (rte_mempool_lookup("test_mempool_sp_sc") != mp_spsc) {
                printf("Cannot lookup mempool from its name\n");
-               return -1;
+               rte_mempool_free(mp_spsc);
+               RET_ERR();
        lcore_next = rte_get_next_lcore(lcore_id, 0, 1);
-       if (RTE_MAX_LCORE <= lcore_next)
-               return -1;
-       if (rte_eal_lcore_role(lcore_next) != ROLE_RTE)
-               return -1;
+       if (RTE_MAX_LCORE <= lcore_next) {
+               rte_mempool_free(mp_spsc);
+               RET_ERR();
+       }
+       if (rte_eal_lcore_role(lcore_next) != ROLE_RTE) {
+               rte_mempool_free(mp_spsc);
+               RET_ERR();
+       }
        memset(scsp_obj_table, 0, sizeof(scsp_obj_table));
-       rte_eal_remote_launch(test_mempool_launch_single_consumer, NULL, 
-       if(test_mempool_single_producer() < 0)
+       rte_eal_remote_launch(test_mempool_launch_single_consumer, NULL,
+               lcore_next);
+       if (test_mempool_single_producer() < 0)
                ret = -1;

-       if(rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore_next) < 0)
+       if (rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore_next) < 0)
                ret = -1;
+       rte_mempool_free(mp_spsc);

        return ret;
@@ -348,7 +360,7 @@ test_mempool_sp_sc(void)
  * it tests some more basic of mempool
 static int
-test_mempool_basic_ex(struct rte_mempool * mp)
+test_mempool_basic_ex(struct rte_mempool *mp)
        unsigned i;
        void **obj;
@@ -358,38 +370,41 @@ test_mempool_basic_ex(struct rte_mempool * mp)
        if (mp == NULL)
                return ret;

-       obj = rte_calloc("test_mempool_basic_ex", MEMPOOL_SIZE , sizeof(void 
*), 0);
+       obj = rte_calloc("test_mempool_basic_ex", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
+               sizeof(void *), 0);
        if (obj == NULL) {
                printf("test_mempool_basic_ex fail to rte_malloc\n");
                return ret;
-       printf("test_mempool_basic_ex now mempool (%s) has %u free entries\n", 
mp->name, rte_mempool_free_count(mp));
+       printf("test_mempool_basic_ex now mempool (%s) has %u free entries\n",
+               mp->name, rte_mempool_free_count(mp));
        if (rte_mempool_full(mp) != 1) {
-               printf("test_mempool_basic_ex the mempool is not full but it 
should be\n");
+               printf("test_mempool_basic_ex the mempool should be full\n");
                goto fail_mp_basic_ex;

        for (i = 0; i < MEMPOOL_SIZE; i ++) {
                if (rte_mempool_mc_get(mp, &obj[i]) < 0) {
-                       printf("fail_mp_basic_ex fail to get mempool object for 
[%u]\n", i);
+                       printf("test_mp_basic_ex fail to get object for [%u]\n",
+                               i);
                        goto fail_mp_basic_ex;
        if (rte_mempool_mc_get(mp, &err_obj) == 0) {
-               printf("test_mempool_basic_ex get an impossible obj from 
+               printf("test_mempool_basic_ex get an impossible obj\n");
                goto fail_mp_basic_ex;
        printf("number: %u\n", i);
        if (rte_mempool_empty(mp) != 1) {
-               printf("test_mempool_basic_ex the mempool is not empty but it 
should be\n");
+               printf("test_mempool_basic_ex the mempool should be empty\n");
                goto fail_mp_basic_ex;

-       for (i = 0; i < MEMPOOL_SIZE; i ++) {
+       for (i = 0; i < MEMPOOL_SIZE; i++)
                rte_mempool_mp_put(mp, obj[i]);
-       }
        if (rte_mempool_full(mp) != 1) {
-               printf("test_mempool_basic_ex the mempool is not full but it 
should be\n");
+               printf("test_mempool_basic_ex the mempool should be full\n");
                goto fail_mp_basic_ex;

@@ -405,28 +420,30 @@ fail_mp_basic_ex:
 static int
-       struct rte_mempool *mp_tc;
+       struct rte_mempool *mp_tc, *mp_tc2;

        mp_tc = rte_mempool_create("test_mempool_same_name", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
-                                               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE, 0, 0,
-                                               NULL, NULL,
-                                               NULL, NULL,
-                                               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
-       if (NULL == mp_tc) {
-               printf("cannot create mempool\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       mp_tc = rte_mempool_create("test_mempool_same_name", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
-                                               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE, 0, 0,
-                                               NULL, NULL,
-                                               NULL, NULL,
-                                               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
-       if (NULL != mp_tc) {
-               printf("should not be able to create mempool\n");
-               return -1;
+               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE, 0, 0,
+               NULL, NULL,
+               NULL, NULL,
+               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
+       if (mp_tc == NULL)
+               RET_ERR();
+       mp_tc2 = rte_mempool_create("test_mempool_same_name", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
+               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE, 0, 0,
+               NULL, NULL,
+               NULL, NULL,
+               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
+       if (mp_tc2 != NULL) {
+               rte_mempool_free(mp_tc);
+               rte_mempool_free(mp_tc2);
+               RET_ERR();

+       rte_mempool_free(mp_tc);
        return 0;

@@ -447,7 +464,7 @@ test_mempool_xmem_misc(void)
        usz = rte_mempool_xmem_usage(NULL, elt_num, total_size, 0, 1,

-       if(sz != (size_t)usz)  {
+       if (sz != (size_t)usz)  {
                printf("failure @ %s: rte_mempool_xmem_usage(%u, %u) "
                        "returns: %#zx, while expected: %#zx;\n",
                        __func__, elt_num, total_size, sz, (size_t)usz);
@@ -460,68 +477,77 @@ test_mempool_xmem_misc(void)
 static int
+       struct rte_mempool *mp_cache = NULL;
+       struct rte_mempool *mp_nocache = NULL;

        /* create a mempool (without cache) */
-       if (mp_nocache == NULL)
-               mp_nocache = rte_mempool_create("test_nocache", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
-                                               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE, 0, 0,
-                                               NULL, NULL,
-                                               my_obj_init, NULL,
-                                               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
-       if (mp_nocache == NULL)
-               return -1;
+       mp_nocache = rte_mempool_create("test_nocache", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
+               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE, 0, 0,
+               NULL, NULL,
+               my_obj_init, NULL,
+               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
+       if (mp_nocache == NULL) {
+               printf("cannot allocate mp_nocache mempool\n");
+               goto err;
+       }

        /* create a mempool (with cache) */
-       if (mp_cache == NULL)
-               mp_cache = rte_mempool_create("test_cache", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
-                                             MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE,
-                                             RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE, 0,
-                                             NULL, NULL,
-                                             my_obj_init, NULL,
-                                             SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
-       if (mp_cache == NULL)
-               return -1;
+       mp_cache = rte_mempool_create("test_cache", MEMPOOL_SIZE,
+               MEMPOOL_ELT_SIZE,
+               RTE_MEMPOOL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE, 0,
+               NULL, NULL,
+               my_obj_init, NULL,
+               SOCKET_ID_ANY, 0);
+       if (mp_cache == NULL) {
+               printf("cannot allocate mp_cache mempool\n");
+               goto err;
+       }

        /* retrieve the mempool from its name */
        if (rte_mempool_lookup("test_nocache") != mp_nocache) {
                printf("Cannot lookup mempool from its name\n");
-               return -1;
+               goto err;


        /* basic tests without cache */
-       mp = mp_nocache;
-       if (test_mempool_basic() < 0)
-               return -1;
+       if (test_mempool_basic(mp_nocache) < 0)
+               goto err;

        /* basic tests with cache */
-       mp = mp_cache;
-       if (test_mempool_basic() < 0)
-               return -1;
+       if (test_mempool_basic(mp_cache) < 0)
+               goto err;

        /* more basic tests without cache */
        if (test_mempool_basic_ex(mp_nocache) < 0)
-               return -1;
+               goto err;

        /* mempool operation test based on single producer and single comsumer 
        if (test_mempool_sp_sc() < 0)
-               return -1;
+               goto err;

        if (test_mempool_creation_with_exceeded_cache_size() < 0)
-               return -1;
+               goto err;

        if (test_mempool_same_name_twice_creation() < 0)
-               return -1;
+               goto err;

        if (test_mempool_xmem_misc() < 0)
-               return -1;
+               goto err;


        return 0;
+       rte_mempool_free(mp_nocache);
+       rte_mempool_free(mp_cache);
+       return -1;

 static struct test_command mempool_cmd = {

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