2016-04-06 08:34, Weglicki, MichalX:
> Hello, 
> I have a question about this patch. 
> As far as I see changing ETH_LINK_SPEED_ to ETH_SPEED_NUM_ is rather cosmetic 
> change, am I right? 

ETH_LINK_SPEED was used for configuration and reported speed.
Now the configuration is done with a bitmap filled with new ETH_LINK_SPEED
and the old numerical values are kept for other usages as ETH_SPEED_NUM.

> Disadvantage of that is that it breaks compatibility with OVS (compilation) 
> and thus it also breaks backward compatibility between OVS & DPDK. Is it 
> really necessary? 

Yes that's why this change was discussed 9 months ago and announced in the
previous release notes.

> It would be great to keep ABI & API stable if possible.

We try to keep it stable when possible and continue to bring some improvements.

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