Add support to the top-level driver build file for AVX2 and AVX512
specific sources. This should simplify driver builds by avoiding the
need to constantly reimplement the same build logic

Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <>
 drivers/ | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/ b/drivers/
index 05391a575d..c42c7764bf 100644
--- a/drivers/
+++ b/drivers/
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ foreach subpath:subdirs
         name = drv
         annotate_locks = true
         sources = []
+        sources_avx2 = []
+        sources_avx512 = []
         headers = []
         driver_sdk_headers = [] # public headers included by drivers
         objs = []
@@ -235,6 +237,34 @@ foreach subpath:subdirs
             dpdk_includes += include_directories(drv_path)
+        # handle avx2 and avx512 source files
+        if arch_subdir == 'x86'
+            if sources_avx2.length() > 0
+                avx2_lib = static_library(lib_name + '_avx2_lib',
+                        sources_avx2,
+                        dependencies: static_deps,
+                        include_directories: includes,
+                        c_args: [cflags, cc_avx2_flags])
+                objs += avx2_lib.extract_objects(sources_avx2)
+            endif
+            if sources_avx512.length() > 0
+                cflags += '-DCC_AVX512_SUPPORT'
+                avx512_args = [cflags, cc_avx512_flags]
+                if cc.has_argument('-march=skylake-avx512')
+                    avx512_args += '-march=skylake-avx512'
+                    if cc.has_argument('-Wno-overriding-option')
+                        avx512_args += '-Wno-overriding-option'
+                    endif
+                endif
+                avx512_lib = static_library(lib_name + '_avx512_lib',
+                        sources_avx512,
+                        dependencies: static_deps,
+                        include_directories: includes,
+                        c_args: avx512_args)
+                objs += avx512_lib.extract_objects(sources_avx512)
+            endif
+        endif
         # generate pmdinfo sources by building a temporary
         # lib and then running pmdinfogen on the contents of
         # that lib. The final lib reuses the object files and

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